This is a story that revolves around a group of friends. Namely Suman(Main Character.), Harka, Duk. Baburam, Surjay and etc. Well they were normal friends from a very young age. And abou them is an extraordinary story about an escape. Well let me start of the story. This group of guys used to hang out at coffee shop at Tai Seng coffeeshop. One fine sunny day they met up at the coffee shop after lunch. They ordered their drinks and started their conversation, the usual chat. While having their conversation, they wouldn’t miss the view of the opposite sex passing by. This was what they enjoyed most. After sometime, Suman suggested that they go to town to check out the places and hanging out. Not all agreed to this proposal. So the decider persisted the others to change their mind. Finally every one agreed to go. So they decided to meet up after one hour at the coffee shop. They than left the place and headed for home. As Suman reached his house, he saw his mom doing her usual chorus, he greeted her. Then he told her that he was going out and he needed some cash for the outing. She told him in an angry tone that she hadn’t much at home, and needed to buy some groceries for the night. Now Suman was devastated and now all his effort was going down the drain. So to keep up with the plan, he decided to call up his friend to ask for some loan. So he called Harka. He was about to explain to him about his situation, when he interrupted and told suman that he was broke. Now the situation was worse. So not to disappoint him, he told Harka that he had just enough for him self. But he told Harka he will ask some one else for help. So he hung up the phone. Then he decided to try his luck on Baburam. Hello the voice said. It was His mother. When he asked for Baburam, she told him that he had already left. Suman was now very pissed off. He called the rest and the response was the same for the rest. Now, no one to ask for help he decided to tell the truth to Harka. He called him up and learned that he too had left home. So now not knowing what to do, he decided to meet up with his friend to tell the truth. He left his hom