Thursday, August 27, 2009

Well i am here and i am going there soon. I do know..
Ok.. it my turn so i am ready..
28th August 2009 and tomorrow Harka and Pralhad and not forgetting Kul are
flying back concurrently of one day difference. Well Its 3 years of career and
without family members beaside us and the life had effected us dearly and
an experience which each one of us has a differnt view of expressing oneself.
My turn will come to go back and i am looking forward to it. Guess i have
been away too long and sure miss my family back home and it makes me more
stronger to survive individually and spiratually. Well i dont really know how
to express it but to experience it will eventually prevail the words that i wish
to write. But one thing its good writing.. Ok Biray (he is married to)
mailed me.. and tells me Duk is in Nepal with his family.. Well hes a father
already to a beautiful daughter and what can i say.. Wish him more baby and
be a good father.. I guess thats what we are more capable in this other than..
well i dont really know.. Well here i think its the monsoon season ant its
been raining and drizzling continousely for the past 17 hours and i think it
will continue to non stop.. So its pretty cold out here except too many places
flood here and there.. Hate it cause i have to walk like an hour to my destination
and by the time i reach, my shoes all wet in and out. No use for the umbrella..
i mean only for the upper part of the body.. And the best part is when there is a
path of flood at the road (i mean almost every where cause the road are mass
made and not to quality standard) and whan car pass by, suprise of splash
of water form the two different motion. And i really hate it cause it diry.
Well lets put the pen down and rest for now..