Friday, January 30, 2015

31st January 2015 1147hrs..

Am at the chaat or Roof sunbathing. My flight is at 4:40pm. So gonna do final packing at around 12 plus. Gonna leave home around 2pm plus.

So fast 40 days went by and today got to go back.

Any ways gonna look forward for the coming days...

30th January 2015 2240hrs.

My last night in Nepal before I go back to UAE. So much thoughts in me. The future is long and there is so much to do. For tonight I feel sad. Tomorrow night I will be in Abu Dhabi. Going to do what I planned to do cause the plan for my vacation was changed. But back there I am going to do it.

Dont know what to write...
Going to sleep..
Good Night Zzzz