2043 hrs and it's 21st January 2013
It's my off and did nothing much except cleaned my
room in the morning and made lunch. Lunch is also
my dinner. Hate to cook cause its kind of not like before
where I used to enjoy cooking. Its like the kick is no
more. In the beginning it's always exciting and once
you are doing everyday, you get the lackness.Eating
Is another thing. Have to eat everyday but sometimes
get sick of eating. No choice still have to eat.
Any way so much has happen and the days have moved
so fast. Am thinking I am satisfied but I know the fire
in me says I can achieve more. I am still doing my best
to upgrade and be wiser. I have a lot of catching up to
do and I will overcome it with ease.
Any ways have to take care of my health cause I am having
high B.P cause of excessive drinking and smoking. Have
to control or else this body will give up. Too few of
times I nearly fainted on the street. I told myself I will
not fall and I made it to my room only to smoke more and
drink. I have told myself control or go insane. So as of now
I have not smoked for and hour and hopefully I will.
Times 2058 hrs and I am in my bed typing away what's
in my mind. The only thing I have is my bed. Read in bed,
sing in bed, eat in bed and all other things possibly there
Is. It's like if I did not had this bed, I don't think I would
have came this far.. ha ha.. well enough of bed.. I kind
of feel sleepy. Of course I will not sleep.. cause don't want
to waste the night waking up and doing nothing..
Well that's it for now.