Saturday, November 26, 2011

the time is like 255am a very early morning
of 26th November 2011. I woke up around an
hour ago cause i slept at 8pm after i came back
from work. I felt very exhausted from work and
decide to call an early sleep thats why i am
fresh from my beauty sleep. Althought i am
fresh but my back is not feeling comfortable.
Any way i had dinner at the cafeteria and that is
one of the reason why i could sleep. Any way
after i woke up i made myself a maggie noodle
and had a Pepsi drink cause i was looking for
coffee but there isnt any. My new blog address
seems cool but i guess i am still not used to it
for its new and maybe it will take time for me.

Now i am surfing some youtube and i just had
a smoke. The night is very silent and very
peaceful for me stay up and surf.

Well i guess thats it for today morning cause
i dont feel like writing and my brain not thinking
well so gonna call it for today....