20th October 2012
Could not sleep and decided to come to staff lounge to
surf before i go back and try to sleep. Now i am sniffing
cause i am getting better from the flu and fever. Was in
a bad shape the last 2 days and it was here at the staff
lounge where it all started. Can clearly remember when
that day i had parata and chicken curry at one of the
shop. And i had came here to surf. And it was here
where i had my first sneeze and the beginning of my
sickness. Now for sure i am getting better and by
tomorrow i will be starting doing Gym. Need to be fit
for my body.
24th the 'Dashain' and we will be having a small get
together. As this year my Uncle, my dad elder brother
passed away and as a sign of respect we dont celebrate.
So its going to be gathering with my sis only. Ramila is
coming over as there is 3 days of public holiday cause
of the Muslim festivity.
Listening to 'Binti Cha Hai'... Keeping company while
i am typing away.
Thinking of getting a new phone. 'Samsung' Galaxy S
DOUS. The junior of S3. The right size for my pocket
and the right application. And best of all the right PRICE.
Hopefully its on the market this festive season. Cause
the last time when my sis went to get for me S3 during
the "Ramadan" period, it was unavailable and after that
i concentrated on Bindmaya loan. Any way the price
was not right and to top it up, monthly charges. And
worse of all 4.8 inch screen. Too big for my pocket.
Would have been damaged by now, if i had it. Cause
my work is a bit rough and tough. Would have been
tough protecting it and doing my work. "DOUS"
hopefully you are the one i am yearning for.
Now is 301am and i feel still fresh and have no
intention to go back. Guess i have to stay a bit longer.
Cause i dont want to be in bed tossing and turning
trying to sleep. In between lost in my imaginary world
which i cant control. Just makes me crazy as its out
of control.
Today is Saturday and i am getting lost in words and
i need to be creative and come out with something.
Aah.. This wind breaker that i am wearing was bought
at "Carrefour" Abu Dhabi and it costed AED 20 or so
a year ago or more.It has gone and experience a lot
from my body. I had used it to keep me warm form the
cold and also used it to make me sweat when i went
jogging to keep fit. And there is one particularly event
where at the back side it is torn due to protection from
the barb wire at "Dharan". It was in early July when i
had gone Nepal for my vacation. When it was time to
return back to Kathmandu, i was with my cousin and
soltinee. It was early in the morning like 3am ( I just
went to the toilet and switch on the Air Con) and we
had arrived at Buddha Chowk to catch the bus
heading to KAthmandu. As we had just arrived and
there was a sudden Thunder and after which all the
street lamp was gone and it was totally dark except
the moon. As of the moment i thought to myself, i
should take the time to urinate. Since it was dark,
i made my move without informing my cousin. I
made 2 step and i looked at the right and felt that i
should turn right as the sight was totally dark and i
thought it will lead me somewhere. But i was wrong,
as my next step did not land at anywhere and i could
feel i was falling and the next was, i had fell hard on the
ground. Lucky as hell, cause i had landed on my right
side of my body cause my left hand was still healing
from the fracture i had while playing football.I
frantically got up realizing i was not hurt due to the
soft ground caused by the rain.It was dark and i could
not see clearly and i was panicked and i used my hand
to see if i could climb back up the place that i had
fallen. Only now that i realized i had fallen almost
1.5meter or more.And there was no way i could climb
back up. My left hand still not fully recovered and my
right was a bit weak from the fall. Fucking dark and my
mind going crazy but i did not scream for Help even
thought my cousin and the rest was just a few meter
away. So i used my both hands sense to feel the wall
and moved forward. I realised that it was a fence and
maybe after 4 or more step i realised that i came to a
gate. Even though it was real dark, my hand was my
eye. It somehow found the handle of the fence door
and unlocked it. At this moment, i was very miserable
and as quick as i can i climbed up the stair. And at this
moment, my wind breaker was caught on the barb wire.
Since i was haistely rushing out, i did not care and i
forced my body out letting my wind breaker to get
stuck and get torn. And this is the story how my Wind
Breaker is torn on the back of it. Once out and some
where near my cousins i realised how fucking lucky i
was cause that place i had fallen was a house and
luckily there was no DOG. Well that night is one night
i will never forget in my life. After that along the
journey, my chicken that my sis-in-law had sent
escaped and luckily someone helped me catch it and
i paid him NR50.
This is about it, i will write next time when i have the
time and mood. Its not so easy to write something, the
timing has to be perfect..347am Good night....