Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Well 11/11/09
The same pickpocket tried to pocket again but
i was alert enough to realise what was going to
happen and avoided it. Any way i think they
were unsuccessful in pocketing their Negro
victim as from the scene he did avoided..
Well this pickpocket are a bunch of gangs
comprising both sexs and lucky for me as i
monitered their behaviour. And its best not
to be hero in my case as they might counter
accuse me as one of their partener a female
was beside me. I kept sitting down not
wanting to give up my seat to the elderly as
what one of the suspect did to make me
feel felial pity for the aged people. Well like
they say once bitter twice shy and be careful
in this kind of situation..
(September 23 and October things got lost)
My past misforctune..

Any way now at library waiting for 2 more days and i almost
can feel the roller coaster breeze cause its going to be very
fast and i know i will be 'someone'.

Ok chow for now and till than Next Time..