Wednesday, October 30, 2013

128hrs 31st October 2013

Drinking my last korean wine.. goes like Chum Churum maybe the spelling miataken. Today my BP was high due to excessive drinking from the last two days. Told myself gonna stop smoking and ended up buying a new pack. Any way last day of October and yea 2 month left to 2014. How time moved so fast and nothing new just work and life goes by. Well I am stuck for a while to write what? Any way will let my finger do the talking. The wine is chilling in the freezer and now it's been more than a week that I started playing Clash of Clan and it's addictive. It's the best for Time Pass. Any way I want to build my empire and playing with strategy. Now just the game gave an alrert that my troops are ready. Ok gonna go off..