Tuesday, September 22, 2009

23 September 2009 1010am
and its a beautiful Wednesday to start of the day formally. Saying and
feeling are two different meaning to speak the mind and after the hours
has passed and the reality of the thought comes to conclusion but thats
life isnt it? Well its the world we live in and many complication arises
and we are not sometimes certain of the objective. But i am also
sometimes not certain what i am writing and it can be a nuisance and
you dont have to really believe what i write. Its just pass time and no
other words to define it.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Well another special year and the opportunity to type my view.
999 as they say 9th Day, 9th Month and of course the year 9
which is a special combination number to be cherished. Not this
lifetime of others are able to witness this day may by come another
100 years later. Well like 888 i am truely able to write something.
Last year there was Dhurba and Ravi to type something in my blog.
But this year i am alone to write my self and i guess its the way of
ones life to be described. How the one year has passed and many
thing has happened and knowledged gained or loss. I dont really
know the answer to that but to use it as new lease of times comes
by. Be it better or worse, its just the way of life and to deal it with
the outmost way possible. Life is after all a life. Nothing will change
the way it should be heading. But without the presence of everyone
it makes life dull after all. Many ways to see it after all. And i guess
its worth every single seconds of it and 999 its great to be alive and
going. Hope i will be able to write again on 101010... Ok my ending
is i am who i am and i did no wrong what i did and i will do what i
need to do and i am happy who i am. Cause there is only one ME.
So to others, there is only one YOU. So....

Friday, September 04, 2009

5th September 2009 903hrs..
Fundmental is a certain words which we have to apply in our daily
life. Without it, mass theory will be lost and i have made a mistake
and many will along the way. We learn and make mistake too
often that we dont realise where we are or who we really are. And
i have been there and still there unless i change my way of thinking
of the very basic way of fundamental. I come to understanding
whats past is past and this is one last opportunity for me to change
and make my life better for the coming days. Yes there are other
opportunity along the way but it goes back to the basic and we
have to accept that. To be able to start in the middle i need the
needs of my ability to go above the middle to the higher. Or else
i will always have to start low no mattter where i will start. Hard
work is another things that is very important to the success of the
road ahead and i will write my progess as i go along. This is one
big opportunity and it will not come again.. There are limitation
which i have to face it or better explain to them. Lets see how it
really goes in the coming weeks to come.......

Thursday, September 03, 2009


Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Well yesterday as usual around early 8am i as usual was doing my
pull up at KLCC Park. As usual i was doing i noticed a helicopter
circuling the Petronas Twin tower. I was thinking to myself why of
a sudden such dcene? I thought to myself maybe it was one of the
way of patronism since after Merdaka(National Day) on the 31st
August. I did not though much but i did think the Al Queda was
going to attack was one of my funny side of thoughts. And carried
on with my pull up and headed for my destination. Well as usual today
i did my pull up again and took the Sun's paper at the Ampang
Train Station. As i turn over the next page i saw the article
"Spiderman" arrested after scaling Petronas Tower.. I was like
what... I read the story.. Alain Robert a French national 47years
old had concured the tower in just 2 and a half hours due to wet
wather. I mean can u believe that he climbed without any safety
equipment and without any other people knowledge. He succeeded
and was reprimended by the police. He had tried before but was
not allowed or other reasons. Man i was there and i did not knew
such was happenning. I felt very proud of him.. He gave me
encouragement even though i was low in the morning and i learned
we have to keep trying until we succeeded and less of other
knowledge.. Well Alain Robert you have my respect and thanks
for the success u have done. Nothing is impossible. Hope i can
emulate like you and i want to fight my rights and go on even if i
cant.. Cheers to you..