Thursday, July 25, 2013

1309hrs 25th july

Its been 3 days that I been having flu and cough. Dont remember when was the last time I was sick. Any way hope I will recover soon. Now I am shitting at changing room. Been doing 1pm to 1230am shift for the past few days cause Hotel guest room FCU servicing is going on. By yesterday we finished 69 rooms and there is still like 140 rooms left. Any way now gonna leave the toilet..

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Finally at my accommodation and in the toilet shitting. Just before this reactivate my blog post. Am back after re setting my phone. Nothing new just moving like a snail. Dont have much to write either. Well that's it for now.

Saturday, July 20, 2013


Well.. I am at cafeteria. . Just had my dinner.. kind of lost.. and got nothing to say. 2010hrs..

Friday, July 19, 2013

0043hrs.. 20th July 2013

Ah.. here I am after a long time. Just came back from 4km jogging. Humidity was high and my jog was terrible.  Been some time since I have jogged. Too tired while jogging. Plan was 10km and actual came to 4km. Cant complain cause I am in terrible shape. Least I did 4km which is quite good. And I have put on weight and my shape is terrible. Plan will be to go regularly from now on. This photo is my new hair cut. Before the jog had gone to the Barber. I have cooled down by now and gonna have my shower. Chow...

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

3rd July 2013

Deactivated my FB...