Wednesday, October 30, 2013

128hrs 31st October 2013

Drinking my last korean wine.. goes like Chum Churum maybe the spelling miataken. Today my BP was high due to excessive drinking from the last two days. Told myself gonna stop smoking and ended up buying a new pack. Any way last day of October and yea 2 month left to 2014. How time moved so fast and nothing new just work and life goes by. Well I am stuck for a while to write what? Any way will let my finger do the talking. The wine is chilling in the freezer and now it's been more than a week that I started playing Clash of Clan and it's addictive. It's the best for Time Pass. Any way I want to build my empire and playing with strategy. Now just the game gave an alrert that my troops are ready. Ok gonna go off..

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

1726hrs 29th Oct 2013

Am at work.. last night lost like 800 and the previous was 300. Any way its gone and am happy that Bin was cleared. There is still long way to go. But I have moved on and accepted and learned. Least I did not finished all... only problem was 3 different alcohol was mixed and my head hurts like shit. By now I am already better. There is like one more vat69 and korean wine.. gonna drink it slowly hopefully.. chow for now..

Sunday, October 27, 2013

27th October..

Now at Al wada mall.. just reached here after walking from Nepal embassy and along the way had lunch. Now is 1628hrs. Gonna take 6pm bus.

Last night lost 300 in flush game and well.. I lost.

Any way I am all sweaty from the walk and gonna cool down in the mall before going back.

Life's going on and salary should be on the way by tomorrow hopefully.

27th October 2013

Friday, October 25, 2013

2243hrs 25th October 2013

The breeze is blowing and I feel the comfort of the wind as it accompany me. I am not lonely it's just my way of life. How much my thoughts was there and when I started typing I feel free of my thoughts. How relaxed and peace I am at right now. Gonna lit up my third cigarette as chin ni lai joined me for and before I can finish my sentance, he left. Puffing my third and I remember I have to go get shrimp. Ya gonna have seafood.

25th October 2013

Almost to 3pm, released it at Abra Canal. After 5 weeks when I first approached. Still fresh in my mind.

Any ways.. November approaching and 2014 coming soon.

Monday, October 21, 2013

210am 22nd Oct 2013

Am so stressed.. dont know why but I find that the way things are coming is very stupidity.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

245am 21st Oct 2013

Listening to my own song Eek Din Ko Bato Ma. Inspiring myself to be strong and move on. Telling myself this is life and many obstacles came and many more will come. Just be prepard to make a life changing vow soon... Good night for now.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Am at work.. work is so so..


Am drunk.. 1 more hours to work.. feeling the highness. . Just loving it..

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Last night drink...

Saturday, October 12, 2013

245am.. 13th October 2013

I ask whoever read this. . If you have the guts to block one of your ear with a wool or anything that can block your hearing, and go around your daily routine for one day. Feel what's it like to live with only one ear.

Any way what my point is I have lived with only one ear for the past 36 (going to) years and I do feel it's terrible but I am still going on stronger.

Friday, October 11, 2013


I feel so lonely and empty. Hope for a better stronger tomorrow.

135am 12 oct 2013

Maybe the way I presented the present was not good or the way I wrote??? I really want her but maybe cause of the way I presented myself. I dont know but I dont know what I should do... I will wait for sometime or what should I do... For now...

Thursday, October 10, 2013

11th October 2014 422am

Every heart beat from my heart keeps me going. Every breath my nose breath keeps me living. Even in times I am at my lowest it just goes on. Not forgetting when I am at my highest. Living is the ultimate solution. Sometimes I wish it stops but it does not. I guess its not the right time yet.

Maybe the reason is I still cant write well. I am confuse and my brain is the biggest sinner. I want to be a saint. But both of them plays my mind and thats what confusing.

If I die now, no body will know me. But if I carry on someone will know me strangly. Am a person with complex personality. I cant control it, it automatically controls me. I cant blame no one but me myself cause I was made this way. So I keep on going... Strangely.

338am.. what why how.. I am fucking confusing my life. I just dont know what to write..

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

250am.. I am drinking.. when I was syppose to be... any way..

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

239am.. in my room. I did not win her heart. I failed. I lost. I will change.. for now I will not even think..

9th October 2013

115am.. am outside.. the radio just played.. Right here waiting for you.  And I walked off..

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

1st October 2013 1631hrs

Am in my room trying to read.. just before that cleaned up my room and had lunch with Tashi and Tshring. Now waiting for 6 plus to go jogging. Today's my off and relaxing the day away. Last night had drink of Vodka. Not a good quality but I got drunk and that's what mattered. Any way gonna ready my book..