Monday, December 30, 2013

111hrs.. 31st Dec.. Supper

2135hrs dinner

1926hrs.. 30th Dec 2013..

One more day to 2014.. Gonna miss 2013.. Big Changes are coming for new year.. Any way 2hour of jog was wonderful to balance my BP.. And my chilli flower gonna bloom any time..

Sunday, December 29, 2013

2205hrs.. Dinner


Just had a pack of noodle and cigarette. And tea too.. Hopefully I am back to normality from BP.. Have to watch my diet and drinks.. And also need to exercise. .

29th Dec 2013.. 1231hrs..

Second day of AL and my BP is too high. In bad shape.. cant sleep nor live normal.. waiting for it to pass and do normal day activity.  Maybe hopefully in an hour I will be back to normal... hopefully. .
Stupid of me to drink so much last night..

Saturday, December 28, 2013

2054hrs.. 28th Dec

After preparing my food,  and showered. Finally my Scotch is ready to be served.

1930hrs.. 28th Dec

1L 2 bottle Gants and 10km run.. gonna drink smooth from now on. Have to be gentle. .

Friday, December 27, 2013

118hrs 28th Dec 2013

My AL has started and...
3 more days to New Year...

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

After Battle.. Rest

My Baubarian King first battle..

520am.. 25th December 2013

My Christmas present.. I unlocked Baubarian King.. Yeaaaa.. Plus upgraded my Town Hall to 9.. Extra Bonus.. Merry Christmas. ..

Monday, December 23, 2013

By the way my Chilli progress..

1949hrs 23rd Dec

Off day run, and achieve wiskey.. at room now.. gonna buy groceries for dinner and Merry Christmas in advance..

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Saturday, December 21, 2013

327am.. 22Dec..

Fresh from 3km jog and gym. . . Gonna get 8 packs and a healthy lean body.. Now in my bed just surfing the net. Clash of Clans.. I just upgraded dark elixir storage and in about a week hopefully I will be able to get Baubarian King. My ultimate goal.

9 more days left for 2013. How time moved and how I have come this far. Makes me feel good and I will try better for next year.

2014 Resolution. . Simple.. Keep on Breathing..

Good night.

1424hrs 21st Dec

In the bus.. almost reaching hotel. Current exact location Traders... a few minutes and I will be at hotel.. life goes on. Last night I did not gave the finance office key to receiving and today I have to give statement.  I had assumed security will lock and take the key. Any way lets see how it goes.. just reached sangrila. .

Friday, December 20, 2013

0103hrs 21st Dec..

10 more days to 2014.. looking forward to it. Good night.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

641hrs 20Dec..

Almost to 20days.. flower showing..

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Around 3 to 4pm..

A firm handshake and Best of luck was all I could do and say. But its better than nothing.


Well I blocked and I deactivate. . Enough and new life starts.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

403hrs 18Dec..

Yesterday I had sent her a request to stay and she has not seen it yet.. I really dont know the outcome.. I am just lost. I want to be strong thats all. Gonna sleep now.. lets see what awaits.......

0021hrs.. 18th Dec

Got ti get up and try.. song playing. And a beautiful moon.

Last night while jogging to Etihad Plaza..

Monday, December 16, 2013

1956hrs 16th Dec

After 10Km and scotch and 6Km finally am in my room.

Had this on the 14th Dec

Sunday, December 15, 2013

0033hrs.. 16th Dec

The radio's playing good song and making my mood smooth.. Just the right kind to make my day go smooth. Life is as usual that comes and go. Found out she resigned and it came a shock to me.. gonna talk to her.. any way in the bus heading room.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

8am 11th December 2013

Fresh from my sleep, breakfast done and in my bed playing Clash of Clans. Need to upgrade my army except that elixir is not enough. Always makes the mistake of not having enough resource to upgrade and now rushing up to get the resource. Any way had a good sleep. Thought I will be sick when I slept last night. I had that kind of feeling while I went to bed last night. For the rest of the time gonna surf the way till it's time for work. About work.. nothing going on except it's work. Life is normal and other than that waiting for new year. Many resolution and many many things to think about. Well that's it for now. It's time to attack.. Clash of Clans.

1412pm.. 10th Dec

In the bus.. heading to work. Fine weather and smooth bus journey along the way. 21days exactly to 2014. Looking forward to New Year. 

Friday, December 06, 2013

6th December 2013 1729hrs

19 days to Christmas.. and after that 6 more to New Year..

Chilli progress..

Clash of Clans Christmas gift..

Thursday, December 05, 2013

In the bus.. the radios playing "everywhere you go, always take the weather" kind of good mood. And life's good as the days going.. any way maybe or maybe not I will go jogging.  Chow for now.

Christmas coming

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

506am 4th December

Woke up early and am down stair just finished my puff. Felt I had enough sleep even though I slept around 2am. Its a cold early morning in winter. Feeling so fresh maybe due to back to running. Now my pattern has changed to slow jog and speed jog. Today's my rest from jog and later tonight back to the road. Reason is due to health decline and tummy sticking out. Got to get back in shape and mentally alert. Hope this time will go well and results shows and be more consistent. 513am and I think it's not good to stay out too long in this chilly weather. Gonna go back to room and make myself a hot tea..

Monday, December 02, 2013

2nd Dec 2013 1410hrs..

Happy National Day UAE..

Happens to be National Day for  UAE and  its 42 years of Nationalities.

1203pm .. Breakfast.. feeling very fresh from last night run..

Sunday, December 01, 2013