Friday, April 18, 2014

19th April 0143hrs

In my bed getting ready to sleep. Last 2 night did slow and speed run. And I had a good sleep. Tonight no run but feeling the tiredness. Hopefully I will sleep well and tomorrow a good run but longer time and dustance. Cant wait for gym. Been like more than ten days I have not been to gym due to maintenance.  Longing to start gym.. And my Archer queen conquest is nearing. Now just need to loot or mine 40K dark elixir. Any way a clash of clan and hope fully Zzzzzzz

Monday, April 14, 2014

14th April.. 2347hrs

First day of year 2071 Nepali calender and hopefully my quitting smoke. Lets see lets see..

Sunday, April 13, 2014

0306am 14 th April 2014 ... 2071

Today is the first day of 2071 for Nepali calender.. and I am anticiapiting the New  year.. any way.. best wishes for new year

Saturday, April 12, 2014

1340hrs 12th April 2014

Just waiting to be 2 so I can go to work. Resting in my bed and clash of clans. Been playing for more than 6 month. Need to release my Archer Queen. Baburian King seems lonely and cant battle alone. Needs Queen company. Hopefully by the next month I can release her.

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

227am.. 3rd April 2015

Finally my labour of hard work of taking care of my chilli, is eaten by me.

And it just started to sand storm outside.

Well gonna take shower and watch some movie..

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

2156hrs.. 1st April 2014

Today's a very very boring moody day for me. .