Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Few more hours and 2015 round the corner.. Any way gonna sleep soon.. and wake up fresh on the New Year.

Monday, December 29, 2014

30th Dec 2014

Tomorrow is the last day of 2014 and am looking forward to 2015.. Lets see how things goes..

Sunday, December 28, 2014

28 Dec 2014 around late 4pm..

262 steps X2 while I had gone jogging..

1002hrs 28 Dec 2014

Here I am at Himal Dental for my second appointment for my teeth root care.. think after that 2 more session before they will fill up the empty space. I had walked all the way from my house and it's damn polluted.  Had a hard time reaching here.. kind of feeling sick. Man I have to stop my bad habit and be healthy.. in this Nepal environment  no point smoking and drinking.  The pollution is enough.. any way I been called.. for my treatment. .

Friday, December 26, 2014

My home...

1705hrs 25th Dec 2014

Just relaxing in my room. My hands freezing and my feet. It cold winter season in Nepal. Morning went to check my eye and had a bad experience due to pressure.. But I cant seem to stop smoking.. well I dont know what to say or what to do for now.  Any way just typing away..

Oh ya.. Merry Christmas. 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

1602hrs 23 Dec 2014

In the roof (chot) of my house.. just came back from taking my remit and mom medical..

Monday, December 22, 2014

1339hrs 22.12.14

Almost reaching... Nepal

606pm nepal time..

Here I am at Nepal waiting for my baggage

1258pm 22 Dec 2014

In the plane now. One more hour and I will be in Nepal.. just relaxing in my seat 13C. Had my 2 cup red wine and watching boyhood. . Good movie which used the same cast while filming for 12 years.. any way the flight is smooth till now.. Many things to think while watching the this movie.. Any way cant wait to reach Nepal..

Sunday, December 21, 2014

1941hrs 21st Dec 2014

This time tomorrow I would be at Nepal. My last day in UAE. Going to go out soon to meet with sisters.  Almost all my packing are done only some minor things left. Any way yesterday started taking Omega 3 suppliment. My sight has improved a bit and my tiredness too. Realise my food consumption balance is very bad. Need to be more food conscious. But smoking I am still except cutting down. May this vacation be more health conscious and... lets see how things goes. Winter is the season. 4 Degree's the temperature there. Feeling excited as well after 2 and a half years. Any way will write soon as I find the time to.. for now need to prepare to go out.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

17th Dec 2014 356hrs

Woke up around 1 am.. around 2 hours of sleep. Yesterday's the same slept 6 am and got a wake up call at 8am saying I was morning shift.  Not sleeping well the last 2 days.. gonna affect my body. But what can I do?
Any way been doing ok.. nothing much except playing Clash of Clans.
Gonna get ready in an hour time.. going to take the 5 am bus..
5 more days to Nepal..

Monday, December 15, 2014

My chilli plant..219hrs 16th Dec 2014

I have come this far in Clash of Clans..

16 th Dec 2014

The below statement was due to 3 days of back to back drinking Bitter groud juice. It had cause my BP to go so down that was why I was so very weak than.. Any way found out not to take too much of Bitter groud.. Any way as of now.. I am trying my best to balance diet to exercise and my feelings. But as of last 3 days.. my heart seems some uncomfort.. I hope it will go back to normality too.. 227hrs

Saturday, December 13, 2014

11 th Dec... I srarted having cool sensation in my heart while I puffed cigarette.  12th Dec 14 continued to have that feeling but with more sickness.. from 8 pm onwards I told myself to stop smoking.. lets see how it goes.. now is 13th Dec 1206pm..