Thursday, December 07, 2006


I was at the airport, waiting for my good friend Duk. He was supposed to arrive from America today. I anxiously looked around for him, as his plane had landed. And most of the passenger had alighted and were checking out of the airport. And I couldn’t even see a glimpse of him. He was supposed to arrive today, as he called me last night that he would be arriving today. Now here I am in the airport trying to locate him. Half an hour passed, and almost most of the passenger had already checked out. I got a little worried and decided to ask for help at the information counter. I asked the lady in charge if Duk had took the flight from America. She took some time to key in the information on the computer. Than she got back to me saying that he had checked in and should have arrived. So I asked the lady to air a message in the airport itself. She approved of it and made the announcement. It was aired for some time. After about 30 minute, I heard a husky voice calling me from behind. It sounded familiar, and knew it was Duk. I turned around to face him. It was him and I proceeded to shake hand with him. I told him times passes so fast, but friendship lasts. Then we proceeded leave the airport

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