So here i am agian.. cant think of what to write.. all the
thoughts that was in my mind its all gone and i am
kind of lazy what to write except to waste time..
Well let me make up some story so to fill the gap
of my time.. Well actually i got a Gap jeans which is
very unique so far what i have worne till now. so what
so special is that its more loose than compared to Levis.
I always felt Levis was ment for me.. but some how it was
always too tight even when i wore loose fitting.. than i
found Gap.. It was totally out of this world.. it felt very
comfort and its button,, not jeep.. any i been trying to
find another pair but i dont seem to find it.. and my
current ones almost worne out.. looks like i have to
use other brands.. just to hide my lower body.. Well
other than my jeans.. i have 2 t-shirt which i bought
in Nepal costing Rs500 each. The brands Tommy
Hilfier.. but its China made and the quality really sucks
and i dont have the heart to throw it away cause my
1st sis accompanied me to buy it some where at New
Road in Nepal.. So even its bad quality, i still cherish
the moment with my sis. Well i used to miss too many
things.. but as time goes by i realise i was not missing
instead i was simply not thinking.. The brain is so
very stuipid that its goes round and roumd making
ones confused.. and i have to learned to look beyond
the circle of trap.. i realise time will only be the factor
thats going to heal and to hail our life.. Oh todays 26th
June and how time flies. Cant believe i am in such mess.
Dont know if i would be able to solve but it does not
matter cause at least i have tried or thought of it.. no
regret or what so ever. Only time will tell the out come
than again head will spin cause thats part of life. And i
been thinking lately to be able to do somethiong about
the crises in Nepal.. But than again thats a differnt story
maybe i will share it in the future even if i cant do it..
Well back to Malaysia.. i with Goa(actual name Surya
Limbu) went to meet some guys in Jalan Imbi on the 23th
June to collect some document. There were like 6 guys all
older than me. Called them Dai and like all Nepali tradition
had wiksy and lunch with them. And of course to spend
time in Malaysia the only other pass time was to play
Marriage.. Its a game card thats contain 3 deck of 52 cards.
And 21 cards are distributed to each player.. Minimun 3
players and maximum 5. Its kind of a good way to pass
time.. Any way we left and on 24th i got a messae that
one of the guys again invited. not sure why.. i just went
along and found that he wanted to teach him basic in
computer.. He had just bought a new Lap top and he wanted
to learn. well i did not hesitate and taught him the basic.
After which i left around 10 plus in the morning.. The
lap top was sure nice thing to use.. It had Wifi plus
bluetooth.. Although the HD was less.. Any way its good
to owe a lap top.. It kinds of remind i used to owe a few
back than. One of the first was a AST computer back than
may be around 1995.. Its was a windows 3.1 operating
system.. Although i did not really made use of it that much
i learned some basic.. Than came along HP later on with
windows 95 and Windows XP than the Acer Laptop..
Well it was sure good to owe such brains but now it
does not matter and at least i am planning to owe one soon.
Now the times almost 1107am in the morning and i am
feeling a bit colder due to the aircon.. I really want to do
is to go up and raed the paper.. rather than surf cause its
so easy to surf but reality is true.. Web site just so easily
steal information from the papers where Journalist pay
so much effort to cover the story and web just in a few
clicks steals and it int he web.. Its like u cook your lunch
and your room mates finishes it.. Well the computer
wireless died and most of the things i wrote was not
saved.. so with this.. is all that i can post.. now
almost 1700hrs.. ok