Friday, July 31, 2009

1st August 2009... 10:11am Saturday// weekend and its great to be back to write buisance!!
Well as i said it was great but something just made my day a less not so.. Any way what
can i say.. wanted to say something but i think i better not and i think i should keep it to
myself and maybe its for the best of me.. And let me write nuisance if i can think of
something that my brain might come out of.. Ok i am thinking and looking at the admin
side to check if the case is clear.. seems ok but still i might not have such previlage in the
coming days. Nontheless i dont think i need to care so much of such things..cause i think
i have other better things to concentrate.. Well i guess i will be writing less from now on
and i will try to write even though i dont have much space.. Ok any way chow for now.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Ok Saturaday and its ok for whats past has passed and looking for my
brain to write something today. Its 10:10am on 25th July and i have like
3 weeks to go down south to meet up friends and settle some things.
I am now well ok.. nothing to write..

Friday, July 17, 2009

As i turned to look to the sight my mind had flashed across when i was
turning just about. It was a vivid memory of a look coming from
across the street. The very familiar face once i knew but my brain was
not working out who this person was. I tried to recall upteem times but
i just could not get what i wanted. My brain was dead and i was trying to
scan back every detail out of my past. I realised that it was no use any
longer as it just could not come and...

Well above is something i wanted to write but i could not carry on as i
am lost of idea and sentance. I think i need to improve more on my writing
in the near future.

Ok Saturday the 18th July 2009.. A bright morning and infact very
beautiful minus the haze. So what better way to have a bread and coffee
before my day starts. So life seems so very.. I dont know cause it no use
planning when you are not under your roof especially like me in LUAR
NEGARA(Foreigner). Ok its like this for me for the last 23years of my
life. So i am not settlled yet at a fixed place and i think it will not be my
last either.. May b once i go back i might search other area too. Cause
my country of origin has nothing to offer but many thing we individuals
have to contribute. It sad but true and i want to contribute maybe once
i am more stable. If not its ok.. at least we have the thought.

So as you know august coming soon and i been thinking lately of
returning for good. But the futures uncertainty cause the economy still
not too fixed up. Can have some hic-ups as whats goes down needs
time to come up and there might be obsticles along the way and due to
gravitional force it might plunge back. Never know, it all depands on the
stock player and the world. As you know North Korea their ass kind of
itchy and keep farting german gases and Terhan or Iran back to Moulsive
or Ahmadejin. And there are the disaster of plane crashing one after the
other. First the Air France crash on 1 June 2009 than Yemani crash
on and now Iranian Airways so it can be coincendital.. Its like a chain
reaction of some kind of ill fated fate. Well i am not too sure but my
condolance to all the dead and to their family and friends. Well we still
have to live and speaking of live my nature call is asking me to release.
But once i release this PC than i dont think i will be able to get it back.
I will try to hold on for some time just to surf a while longer..

Mondays coming and i am geared up for something and thinking of
a roller coaster journey if my fate comes along. Never know whats
written till i find out myself when the time comes and of course i
have to put in effort if not how will the ride comes about.

So this week end might be weeding or just passing and i really hate
to waste time. So hope my ends are worh of justification of how it
will be spent. Later at least one part of my right or left brain will say
ya i did that.

So i just edited my profile in facebook cause i am getting irriteated of
it. Cause its like a i dont know but i think i have other better things to
do than surf such things. So my bladder saying faster and i want to
hold on longer cause i have not finished yet..

Now finally i have finished what i was here for ok next time i will
write more..

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Well here i am again.. Its really nice to be back and to type what my fingers
wants to type.. Its just blows my mind away and i am just writing what my
minds comes about. I think its unique or more nuiscance to do but the best
part is at least there are more pages or sentances for me to refer in the
coming times of passages. Even some of the things i have written previously,
i dont seems to understand mysely. I mean what i had wrote and i dont
understand what i have written. Well thats me.. maybe i did not check back
what i have written.. Cause i am really not so into checking.. you may call it
lazy or anything thats comes to mind.Any way most of the things that i have
typed are not the most 100% understandable and i can assuse readers like
me getting lost and frustrated. Actually i dont care cause this web page is
ment for me and only me. Lets forget this bullshit that i have written and
go on to.. 1031am 17July 2009 Friday. And like i previously written, its
mostly hazy in south east asia due to forest fire in Indonesia and Malaysia.
The country wants to clear lands to do some kind of shitty business and
to save a single cent they burn the forest blaming the heat to illegal
burners.. This fucking basterds are only after money.No standard practice.
But think again maybe they have no choice cause the big fish are the real
culprits and by the time it reaches the contractors he would have no choice
but to fire the place. This is called corruption. Frankly speaking corruption
is everywhere especially in asia. Especially developing nations. This are
the country where vast industralisation, economy are taking place.
And to get richer the rich are taking every opportunity in the corruptial way
to get rich. Cause like they say there will never comes a second chance and
since the countrys vast, the saying goes. If he/she did not get caught so would
i. And this lead to more greed and in the end a very corruptial nation. Well
money is the cause but it is true the population are too vast that greed is the
answer. So 90% has to stop dreaming of becoming rich. Any way i my self
dont know what i am writing. Well weekends round the corner and currently
i am reading Millionare secret(Frankly the titles i am not too sure). This is
another good book which i have alread read 1/4 and i find its a good
book. It not about how to win money, but a true story of JJ who wins 10million
pound(wow all that money). Well he gets all kind of trouble and how he nearly
got into a lot of trouble. Any way it tells of how he acted as sugar daddy to get
love. But non lasted and how he used a lying method to find true love.Any have
not finished the book but i can tell it a bit hilarious and very true story. Any way
i want to win like him too to get start my life. If not i accept a humble life. Ok
back to my life week end and i dont know where to go. May be the times
square to relax. I think its best thats way. I have not told you that they have a
first indoor theme park in Malaysia. It has rollercoaster and all kind of thems
coaster or what they are called exactly. Although i have not tried, i am
sure i will not try those super speed. May be the tortise speed i might try.
Cause i remember exactly in Singapore inside Haw Par Villa where there was
a boat ride and it was floating slope down 45degree at its own speed or
gravitional force plus the weight of us and you can imagine the high velocity..
twice it had to float slope down45degree and i was already in the first ride i
could not take it.. I mean i am not a coward or what ever its called, but speed
i just could not take it the sheer shock. may be it phobia.. i dont know but i
accept who i am and i cant take speed shock.. so back to times square it really
a nice place to be.. and the place is like 9 story of shopping
malls. There are i think more than 500 different shops to look around.. from
A-Z you can can find anything you are looking for( i mean middle class) Guys
this is a shopping mall not a rag and bone shop.
I have been thinking lately how should i take things cause 2 or less month is left
before i go back its been a hell and heaven experience for me in this place. Its
so different and i can tell i have never experience this kind of life iin my entire life.
It has opened my eyes bigger and also made it smaller. But more wiser or
foolisher. I dont know only time will tell as i move along. Dont know lets see how
it goes by.Well tonight i am going to have tapioca cause i just pulled the fruit from
the ground and its kind of big but i managed to only extract one roots.May be i
will go earlier and pull more if i can..which means the more the merrier..any way
its getting cold and i am just trying to write more.. i think i better not cause my
brains not working..Any way the times 1129am

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ahh.. i am here agian to write nonsense.. Todays Wednesday and its kind
of dark outside cause raining.. As far as i heard that its monsoon season
in Nepal and maybe the climate is blowing south.. I dont know exactly
but if i can i can check it in CNN weather forecast.. But to do that i have
to find cable network.. May be i should forget about it.. Any way its
natural to rain and shine.. Its makes the weather more finer compared to
sunny too much. Well i just finished reading a book titled RUNAWAY..
Its a good book telling a story of a girl how she actually faced the world
with her being abused and how she longed to get love from parents and
how she saw the life as a whole.. I actually love reading it.. I mean in my
life, i mean my whole life i have never read more than 5 novel.. But the
more important thing is that i finished it within a week.. I mean it took me
more than a month to finish a book in the past.. So you see the difference..
Any way i have targeted another book.. yet to start reading.. think its a
good book. The times 1127hrs and 15 July 2009 Wednesday.. Like
i said earlier its raining or drizzling.. so as usual i am going for a smoke

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Courtesy of Ex-Gc fellow

Well what have we here.. some of the old games we used to play..
I mean it was very popular in our time or back in the days..
Brings back old memory..

Courtesy of Ex-Gc fellow

Bee-Bee.. this was the snacks we used to fill our tummy
back then.. as it was kind of popular.. i think..
ya it is.. memory slowly comong