Friday, July 17, 2009

As i turned to look to the sight my mind had flashed across when i was
turning just about. It was a vivid memory of a look coming from
across the street. The very familiar face once i knew but my brain was
not working out who this person was. I tried to recall upteem times but
i just could not get what i wanted. My brain was dead and i was trying to
scan back every detail out of my past. I realised that it was no use any
longer as it just could not come and...

Well above is something i wanted to write but i could not carry on as i
am lost of idea and sentance. I think i need to improve more on my writing
in the near future.

Ok Saturday the 18th July 2009.. A bright morning and infact very
beautiful minus the haze. So what better way to have a bread and coffee
before my day starts. So life seems so very.. I dont know cause it no use
planning when you are not under your roof especially like me in LUAR
NEGARA(Foreigner). Ok its like this for me for the last 23years of my
life. So i am not settlled yet at a fixed place and i think it will not be my
last either.. May b once i go back i might search other area too. Cause
my country of origin has nothing to offer but many thing we individuals
have to contribute. It sad but true and i want to contribute maybe once
i am more stable. If not its ok.. at least we have the thought.

So as you know august coming soon and i been thinking lately of
returning for good. But the futures uncertainty cause the economy still
not too fixed up. Can have some hic-ups as whats goes down needs
time to come up and there might be obsticles along the way and due to
gravitional force it might plunge back. Never know, it all depands on the
stock player and the world. As you know North Korea their ass kind of
itchy and keep farting german gases and Terhan or Iran back to Moulsive
or Ahmadejin. And there are the disaster of plane crashing one after the
other. First the Air France crash on 1 June 2009 than Yemani crash
on and now Iranian Airways so it can be coincendital.. Its like a chain
reaction of some kind of ill fated fate. Well i am not too sure but my
condolance to all the dead and to their family and friends. Well we still
have to live and speaking of live my nature call is asking me to release.
But once i release this PC than i dont think i will be able to get it back.
I will try to hold on for some time just to surf a while longer..

Mondays coming and i am geared up for something and thinking of
a roller coaster journey if my fate comes along. Never know whats
written till i find out myself when the time comes and of course i
have to put in effort if not how will the ride comes about.

So this week end might be weeding or just passing and i really hate
to waste time. So hope my ends are worh of justification of how it
will be spent. Later at least one part of my right or left brain will say
ya i did that.

So i just edited my profile in facebook cause i am getting irriteated of
it. Cause its like a i dont know but i think i have other better things to
do than surf such things. So my bladder saying faster and i want to
hold on longer cause i have not finished yet..

Now finally i have finished what i was here for ok next time i will
write more..