Well so long yet so deprerssing are the words to be written here.
What can be so new is a depriciation of the life of mine.
Dont know what exact words to type.. but to type something.
How time been wasted or what defination words can i write...
Just a waste of some of the days of smeere waste i guess.
Hoping something which is hopeless and not giving up the
thought of loosing everything.. Well its life after all..
I think its makes us stronger or weaker in cetrain phase of
time and doing the most is to.. checking out photos in
facebook and its sure good way of wasting time cause
mind of brain not working and its damned to lazy to other
things except to see the times goes by. Its sure good way to
relax the yime which i will for sure later on think what the
hell did i do with the precious time.. This is what happens when
the brain losses the moment and later on say such stuffs..
Sometimes its just inspires you and sometimes its just makes you
feel different.. You know most of the guys are out and seems
very lonely.. i mean who do they have the same batch of friends and
a few new guys.. its like lost in the desert.. the smiles on their
faces looks very fake this is what i think.. All our life being a
foreigner and now dont know if career can get the foundation
in a new environment.. Trying their best to live a lie., I kind of
feel sad foe them and many things.. Its like when a girls gets married
and have to stay with her husband..I guess this is what most of the
general people are doing to carry on i think.
I felt i wanted to go to but as time passes my mind set keeps
changing too. Still i am confused. Here stuck in my own fucking
mess and no way to look forward and even if i do.. what are the
chances of success?? this is the delimma that i am in and i am
fucking it away and just pass time and see what happens after all
i am living this life and like i say not everyone are supposed to be
BOSS n everyone of us are different generally. So WIth a smile on
my face i am typing this sentance of damned nonsense. But somehow
i feel like i will make it and somehow i feel like will i be able to. Only
time will tell and seems like new friends are not much of a help cause
their aim are not as high as what their limit are and thats what keeps
them satisfied. May b i am asking too much or maybe my mentality
is so wrong. As i think there seems nothing wrong to think too high
but may be the direction i am going wrongly. But i dont know other
ways.. there is but it wrong..ha ha.. lets see.. only tiem will tell
So chow and next time..