Saturday, May 29, 2010

29th May 2010  1046pm

I am so fresh that i dont think i will be able to sleep the whole
night as i just woke up 30minute ago. I had fallen asleep from
watching television after dinner around 8pm. It was not agood
habit as this has affected my sleep at night. For the past few
month since arriving back to Nepal i have been sleeping very
late at night after mightnight. Sometimes almost when the
sun is almost rising. Its just that i am so sick back in my country
that affecting my lifestyle. I try to adjust myself but due to too
much outside of Nepal caused me to feel this way. Now i will
be going out again any moment soon and i think i will be lost
in my search for career. Its not something big as i am doing
some jobs which i think will not lead me far but just survival.
In the end i have to come back to Nepal and get lost again.
I really hate it but this is how i have to face every now and
than. I dont know how my job will lead me this time or how
i will lead my job. This is something i have been fighting
for cause i am in some shit which has made me do a bit
of this and a bit of that. Well 32 is a big age and i think its
sweet to be sweeter and am happy about it. Like my dad
used to say "Do something and Die".. I am doing something,
and the only thing is am i doing the something??? Well i
dont know if its the choices i made wrong or the lack of
seriousness that i lack. Or is it the passion that i lack. Well
32 is a very difference as i look at people around me. Maybe
maybe.. later on.. Abu Dhabi here i am going to come.
I am not so enthusiastic or am very proud that i am coming
there but i will say i made some good choices and some to
write in my resume or my life story. I am not so proud and
am not emberessed that i am starting a job that is expected
of my study case.. well let just say i made a right choice with
the help of my sis. Thanks and looking forward to the flight
as everything is cleared from the interview to the visa, insurance
and the clearance from Nepal Foreign Employment. Just
waiting for the e-ticket for the flight.
Back to where i am now, will i be able to sleep? I have to
cause no choice and i will try to. Ha ha.....