Well been some time for now that i have not written.. Any way i will always
try my best to write something down.
Ok let me say something about Abu Dhabi.. Its actually a desert and all round
what you can see are sands.. very fine sands. |You wont be able to see any rain
fall may be once or twice a year cause i am still new here. But since this place
is rich in oil, the money that came is being used very wisely by the ruler since
the discovery around (ithink 1940s to... not too sure). And where there is
money to be made there will be people looking for better prospect in life. And
thats why the country is developing very fast. And speaking of developing, they
have spend a lot in greenery. Imagine greenary in a desert where the ground is not
fertile and where there is no rain at all. Well the only answer is technology. ANd
this technology is after all money. ANd now its very better off in some parts of the
places. The only thing that i like about UAE is the greenary. Well lets see how
far can this country go. ANy way thats about for now.