29th Nov 2011
Just came back from my sis place. Had dinner there.
We cooked chilli potato, tofu with egg and green
brocali whith peas, corn and tomatoes. The food
was fantastic and here i am too full and still have
not digested. So having a cup of medicine before
i go to sleep. Its the alternative solution for me to
get to sleep. Was suppose to be afternoon but my
colleague who is always sick called me last minute
to change the schedule. So have to sleep early for
the morning shift. Dont know what to say to this
person but any ways i am morning got to be
sleeping early.
May be another pack for better sleep. Least its not
like yesterday where i had too much that in the
morning i was still soo high. And the day just
went by in sober mood. Was suppose to exercise
but am too lazy. Need to work out or my tummy
will give way...
Just poured another cup and this will be my last.
Any way logging off now...