01 January 2011
Am so happy the new year has started well for me and in a
good mood. Which is why i am drinking and making merry.
A new life starts for me and all my thoughts shall work for
me even if it does not i at least will try. Trying is a must and
i will make it for sure. Resolution is a good things and i will
make it for sure.
All the memories of 2011 was a beautiful
memory and i have no regret that happened.
And i look forward for 2012 which is i
have planned and i will implement it.
Know its going to be tough but if i cant
make it than i will be in trouble. I know
i just need faith in myself and principle
to see just that.
Smoking cause its going to be my last since its in the
list for changes as i have abused and emberessed
myself too many time, and i really hate it. Not
forgetting my energy drink too. Ha Ha...
Listening to music in youtube and its making
my time priceless...
142hrs..The first time i started smoking was when i was 21.
This was the time after i finished my 'O' Level. I did not made
the grade and cause i started smoking. Frankley speaking
i did not made in any effort in my study and i was hoping
for miracle. Which was so fucking stupid as i look back.
How could i have felt like like that. This is how i have always
wanted my life to be. Which is so fucking stupid. And cause
of that i am smoking for the last 12 years. Is it not stupid
decision i am making. And one of the most stupid thing i
made, which is gambling. Gambled all my life for 17 to 31.
Always made me complete even if i was pocketless and
without food. If only i had made a girl my life would have
changed. But i did not did that instead i carried on and
now my brain is so corrupted that i dont know what i am
doing sometimes..And finally THIRI... Guess this is part
of life.. I am gonna get.......this year and i have to.. I am
gonna do it...Might be quitting my job as i know i will
not be anywhere form this place. Seriously...
200hrs and i am still drinking and eating... ha ha..
I had a choice and i will not say i made the right or wrong
choice. . I just say i move on....
Happy New Year and i am happy....