Now in my bed and surfing. Sick of the table and chair.
Yesterday woke up early and the day went dragging so
around 10 plus slept. And cause of that i dont think i
will fall asleep so soon. Got my ATM debit card after
my old was damaged. I could still withdraw cash but
i could not use it at shops to buy groceries. This is the
future man whats the point if i cant use the card to buy
things. Its not like in the 80's where we have to keep
money and use money every where. Now just swipe
the card and the goods is yours and i dont have to
count the change and stack it nicely in my wallet. Thats
why i reapplied for a new one. I will be charged AED20
for the replacement. I have already activated the card
and my balance was 18.58. Spent too much this month.
From next month i hope i can save some. Speaking of
saving, the service charge is going to be less cause the
hotel guest occupency is low and is expected to be low
for the next few month. Man how am i going to save.
Salary still not in and wondering how is the amount thats
going to come. Looking forward to it. Now my total
balance is 45 + 18. Cant believe i spent so much and
now i am feeling the pain.
Some times i feel like hammering my head cause the
thought keeps coming back. And i have typed too
many times in my phone and it ends up as draft. Than
i will mark all and delete all. Cause after that i remember
the word 'mark my word'. And i dont know how long
more of this will happen. Lucky i am not going crazy.
Maybe it will take more longer cause it was too long.
I dont know.. Sometimes i feel like i should just...
134am.. think thats enough..