Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day and i spent the day cleaning the room
and made my lunch, which was also the dinner as well.
My room was too much of dust as i often open the
window for fresh air. That is the reason why the room
was full of dust. Food i cooked chicken, daal and rice.
Was not that good but it filled my tummy and i dont
have to worry for hunger. And i also downloaded a
movie, titled 'Meet Joe Black'. It a story about an old
rich in life man who is going to die and DEATH comes
to visit him before his time passes. And he has to
associate his life what ever he is doing. Death
eventually fall in loves with the old man daughter. And
its wonderfully romantised. Made my day a special
one to remember. Even Death cant help falling in
Love. So i am nothing compared to him. Ha ha..
I know there is someone who is waiting for me. Time
will heal and show me the way as the time comes by.

Speaking of today i found an old song 'Binti Cha Hai'.
Listening to it..Lovely song..wanna fall in love..
desperately..What to do.. its not time yet for me..
Cant write any more for this topic...

so here i am,, smoked so little today and before this
i said its enough for today but after listening to this
song, i need to buy 2 more stick.. Whats this life
if i cant live like how i want to.. and truth,, i cant.. and
thats that..,Going down to buy..