8th December 2011
Listening to my song that i composed and recorded
in my phone. Its out of words for me... Too good
to say any thing about it. Sometimes i wonder if we
were not there. Life would have been much better
i think. What are the changes that happened. In the
end we ended up there but lost in the thoughts.
How can i change all this. There is nothing i can
do and just stay in silence.
Heyyyyy my villager...
Wait for me, for a while
Stream of water, will get it in pail
Forest dried branches, collect and shall i bring
Mom cooking, Dhiroa and Gunruuk
Dad in the field, farming the rice
Heyyyyy my villager...
Wait for me, for a while
Thisss suffering, comfort
Memoriesss sweet, sour
I guess, this is called
Heyyyyy my villager...
Wait for me, for a while
Heyyyyy my villager...
Wait for me, for a while
This is in the english version. Althought its not
too good translated, It goes something like
that. Today going at 1.30pm to work. And i
would like to meet munna. Wanna have lunch
together. Now wanna play my guitar and see
if i can modify anything...