Thursday, January 19, 2012


Last 2 days had too much of RED Horse a filipino beer.
It was good after so long. I mean i have been having
too much wisky and beer is like a delicasy. Any way
work is work and tomorrow off. Cant believe January
is almost coming to an end and how much have i moved.
And i can fucking not lie and i dont have to say much.
The answer lies in the latter sentance.

Just came back from gym and my jog was horrible as
my body and legs are rusty and i had to stop after like
10 minute of snail jog. I have to start this work out as
i need to be active from this slackness. Having capri-sun
mixed fruit juice that i got from the housing office. My
dinner meal. Kind of reminds me of the time in Singapore
where i was in Cedar Primary School. This drink used to
cost 50 cents and it was pure damn good and now i dont
find that same feeling any more. I guess now is like just
sip it down the throat and fill the empty part of my
stomach. How lame life is going for me. Lame lame.

Yesterday my work was like laughing from the morning
till i finished. Villa 4, i had to go there to service the FCU
and when i was servicing the Butler area FCU. I got so
pissed off cause i had spent almost 30 minute or so to
just put the filter and that was so stupid of me. And the
funnier part... I was at the cinema hall and i had just
farted and luckily the smell was not that bad. And as i
was about to leave the room, BOBO comes in and he
might have smelled something wrong and from his face
expression he was trying to find out what that smell was
as one of his job is to prevent smell from the room.
And this made me so want to laugh that i went out to
find Ricardo. I told him about every thing while enjoying
my laugh.. ha ha.. And another funny incident was Htin
was checking the rooms and telly it with the new rooms 
that we were assigned. He did it in a very uncomfortable
way as the copy was in the board and he was staring
so hard and writing it down on the table. So what do i
do. I told him 'wait Htin', and took out the paper from 
the board and placed it in the table and i started laughing.
This made him irreated i think..Well thats it for now..
Its 1952hrs.. just came back from smoke and listening to
the wallflower-one headlight.................