Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The same pickpocket tried to pocket again but
i was alert enough to realise what was going to
happen and avoided it. Any way i think they
were unsuccessful in pocketing their Negro
victim as from the scene he did avoided..
Well this pickpocket are a bunch of gangs
comprising both sexs and lucky for me as i
monitered their behaviour. And its best not
to be hero in my case as they might counter
accuse me as one of their partener a female
was beside me. I kept sitting down not
wanting to give up my seat to the elderly as
what one of the suspect did to make me
feel felial pity for the aged people. Well like
they say once bitter twice shy and be careful
in this kind of situation..
(September 23 and October things got lost)
My past misforctune..
Any way now at library waiting for 2 more days and i almost
can feel the roller coaster breeze cause its going to be very
fast and i know i will be 'someone'.
Ok chow for now and till than Next Time..
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
in the blog that i have created. But i try to remember it even
though.. So far so good and so bad.. Its the package in life.
Well well well.. Ha ha ha.. Cant complain can i? Even if i..
Its the package.. Well well well.. Huh dont know what to
write.. Just bla bla bla.. How times changes everything from
who i was before and who i am now. From physical to
mental changes i am evolving. Very rare cause it would for
most of others would be mental changes. I did not realise
i was changing into my physical as well.. Bla bla bla..
I dont really know until some one notices cause i cant
tell if its really that changes are evolving... So let me be the
new person if i am.. so stopping here my typing and go for
the news...paper...
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
something which we all have in common. How the times of changes
leaves us in a parallel dimension and makes us wonder how it is really
what we are and would it be a matter of our existence? I am longing for
that answer and so do the rest of the species. What are we really
looking for and what are the changes thats keeps our mind distracted
and makes it focused on others? Is it something that what is undeliably
something. Curiocity are the fact that makes me write such stuff and
i dont know if i will find the answer to my question or rather everyone
Question. I have always wondered in my thoughts and its a vast wide
thoughts thats seemingly 90% illusions and thats what keeps me
occupied most of my time life maybe 60% to where i am today.
Its something which we cant get our focus out of and its really
sometimes a piss of the mind. How strange are we and how do we
tackle such things.. There are answers to it but will i be able to make
it. I think do it than again it just drift my concentration and i get
lost in my own world. Well i am confused and maybe i should get
my mind focused on something rather than just get lost in my
thoughts. It would kill the life out of me and maybe i might be
someone one day. How i wish to eloberate more and am thinking
i need to do something to change to be a beer person of who i
am currently. Todays 15 October and the time is 1014am and
i am doing my best to be. 2 more month to 2010 and am getting
older year by year. Seems like only yesterday and now its like
how times goes so fast and i think i am missing so many things
of my talent and i am learning every bit of my inner self and kind
of trying to let go of my past and concentration forward. Ok so
far i am in positive mode and lets see how long thats last..
Ok next time more..
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
What can be so new is a depriciation of the life of mine.
Dont know what exact words to type.. but to type something.
How time been wasted or what defination words can i write...
Just a waste of some of the days of smeere waste i guess.
Hoping something which is hopeless and not giving up the
thought of loosing everything.. Well its life after all..
I think its makes us stronger or weaker in cetrain phase of
time and doing the most is to.. checking out photos in
facebook and its sure good way of wasting time cause
mind of brain not working and its damned to lazy to other
things except to see the times goes by. Its sure good way to
relax the yime which i will for sure later on think what the
hell did i do with the precious time.. This is what happens when
the brain losses the moment and later on say such stuffs..
Sometimes its just inspires you and sometimes its just makes you
feel different.. You know most of the guys are out and seems
very lonely.. i mean who do they have the same batch of friends and
a few new guys.. its like lost in the desert.. the smiles on their
faces looks very fake this is what i think.. All our life being a
foreigner and now dont know if career can get the foundation
in a new environment.. Trying their best to live a lie., I kind of
feel sad foe them and many things.. Its like when a girls gets married
and have to stay with her husband..I guess this is what most of the
general people are doing to carry on i think.
I felt i wanted to go to but as time passes my mind set keeps
changing too. Still i am confused. Here stuck in my own fucking
mess and no way to look forward and even if i do.. what are the
chances of success?? this is the delimma that i am in and i am
fucking it away and just pass time and see what happens after all
i am living this life and like i say not everyone are supposed to be
BOSS n everyone of us are different generally. So WIth a smile on
my face i am typing this sentance of damned nonsense. But somehow
i feel like i will make it and somehow i feel like will i be able to. Only
time will tell and seems like new friends are not much of a help cause
their aim are not as high as what their limit are and thats what keeps
them satisfied. May b i am asking too much or maybe my mentality
is so wrong. As i think there seems nothing wrong to think too high
but may be the direction i am going wrongly. But i dont know other
ways.. there is but it wrong..ha ha.. lets see.. only tiem will tell
So chow and next time..
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
and its a beautiful Wednesday to start of the day formally. Saying and
feeling are two different meaning to speak the mind and after the hours
has passed and the reality of the thought comes to conclusion but thats
life isnt it? Well its the world we live in and many complication arises
and we are not sometimes certain of the objective. But i am also
sometimes not certain what i am writing and it can be a nuisance and
you dont have to really believe what i write. Its just pass time and no
other words to define it.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Friday, September 04, 2009
Fundmental is a certain words which we have to apply in our daily
life. Without it, mass theory will be lost and i have made a mistake
and many will along the way. We learn and make mistake too
often that we dont realise where we are or who we really are. And
i have been there and still there unless i change my way of thinking
of the very basic way of fundamental. I come to understanding
whats past is past and this is one last opportunity for me to change
and make my life better for the coming days. Yes there are other
opportunity along the way but it goes back to the basic and we
have to accept that. To be able to start in the middle i need the
needs of my ability to go above the middle to the higher. Or else
i will always have to start low no mattter where i will start. Hard
work is another things that is very important to the success of the
road ahead and i will write my progess as i go along. This is one
big opportunity and it will not come again.. There are limitation
which i have to face it or better explain to them. Lets see how it
really goes in the coming weeks to come.......
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
pull up at KLCC Park. As usual i was doing i noticed a helicopter
circuling the Petronas Twin tower. I was thinking to myself why of
a sudden such dcene? I thought to myself maybe it was one of the
way of patronism since after Merdaka(National Day) on the 31st
August. I did not though much but i did think the Al Queda was
going to attack was one of my funny side of thoughts. And carried
on with my pull up and headed for my destination. Well as usual today
i did my pull up again and took the Sun's paper at the Ampang
Train Station. As i turn over the next page i saw the article
"Spiderman" arrested after scaling Petronas Tower.. I was like
what... I read the story.. Alain Robert a French national 47years
old had concured the tower in just 2 and a half hours due to wet
wather. I mean can u believe that he climbed without any safety
equipment and without any other people knowledge. He succeeded
and was reprimended by the police. He had tried before but was
not allowed or other reasons. Man i was there and i did not knew
such was happenning. I felt very proud of him.. He gave me
encouragement even though i was low in the morning and i learned
we have to keep trying until we succeeded and less of other
knowledge.. Well Alain Robert you have my respect and thanks
for the success u have done. Nothing is impossible. Hope i can
emulate like you and i want to fight my rights and go on even if i
cant.. Cheers to you..
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
like it was only yesterday we came here.... How time flies.. Well today Pralhad one
of my good freind is going back too.. Not forgetting Kedar Gurung my hostel mate
too is leaving.. Well reminds me of the time we stayed under the same shelter
and all the memories with drinks and many things we adapted to the living
environment exposed. Well they are gone and the latter today. So i guess my time
will come soon with Dhurba Khadka. Ok now i am surfing Google map and it
one of a kind of futuristic sites.. I mean i can actually be anywhere and check out
the street and places of interest. Its good though but i can only access some places.
Its better than non.. Well if the speed was much better i would be able to access
much quicker around the places.. But its ok also.. All right than i want to do some
sight seeing...
Thursday, August 27, 2009
flying back concurrently of one day difference. Well Its 3 years of career and
without family members beaside us and the life had effected us dearly and
an experience which each one of us has a differnt view of expressing oneself.
My turn will come to go back and i am looking forward to it. Guess i have
been away too long and sure miss my family back home and it makes me more
stronger to survive individually and spiratually. Well i dont really know how
to express it but to experience it will eventually prevail the words that i wish
to write. But one thing its good writing.. Ok Biray (he is married to)
mailed me.. and tells me Duk is in Nepal with his family.. Well hes a father
already to a beautiful daughter and what can i say.. Wish him more baby and
be a good father.. I guess thats what we are more capable in this other than..
well i dont really know.. Well here i think its the monsoon season ant its
been raining and drizzling continousely for the past 17 hours and i think it
will continue to non stop.. So its pretty cold out here except too many places
flood here and there.. Hate it cause i have to walk like an hour to my destination
and by the time i reach, my shoes all wet in and out. No use for the umbrella..
i mean only for the upper part of the body.. And the best part is when there is a
path of flood at the road (i mean almost every where cause the road are mass
made and not to quality standard) and whan car pass by, suprise of splash
of water form the two different motion. And i really hate it cause it diry.
Well lets put the pen down and rest for now..
Monday, August 17, 2009
was one way going. I really cant or have the exact answer for this intricating
question myself. So any way the only way to find out is to experience it.
So here i am down for so long and i believe it time to pick to reach higher
for better tomorrow or better days. Cant always go low can i!! Ok time to
change the chart and new climate. So where are have all the days coming to
only time and fate can say the least as it comes and to top it up.. good luck..
Ok kind of feeling the way every day i was feeling and finding the time of
going for the changes of the less ordinary. Cant think of much just to write
some crap to fill my day to look at the time just passing by. Its just how
time is passed to fill the gap of seeing new things thats comming soon. I
cant forward it so to go with the time and obey its law. No choice everyone
has to obey its law. So how shall we describe the worls as?? Its has its own
defination and its way of showing life to the living. Can u just imagine how
did civilasation came about?>? Its complication and scientific has priven it.
But do you trust every bit of it.. Its depends on every individuals and i am
50-50. Cause there is truth and for sure there is Lie. So just say Ya Ya..
and move on.. Cause there are morans saying this is and that is making sure
they get you hooked in their point. Well lets forget about this moran and lets
go on to something more fun for the day.. So here i am walking to a shop to
buy some stuff and as it was a long walk and deserted path.. I decided to
sing some silly tunes.. Tunes just comes out from my mouth and try along
the way to melodise it.. I did not or by excitement as i carry on the singing
the vocal along the way was getting high pitches. Or other term high volume.
I made the pop to alternative and sudenly to heavy.. I did not realise someone
was behind me until he bypassed me with his finger on his ear and my brain
was told me to mute or just carry on slightly softer. So here i am emberessment
or just liberty.. any way this was not the first time i was singing and carried on
except the unfortunate was well forget about it and this is my life, who the hell
is he and i have the right as this is public and i am not going against the law.
Freedom and every human had the rights to it as it does not go against the
boundary of the so called Law. Well i did enjoy myself cause singing is
something which makes out emotion go wild and make us like a bird flying so
high that there is no direction and which ever way we go it makes us feel
liberty. Well it was one awsome experience and i would like to do it on stage
but insted of flowers or panties thrown in, i think bottles and all sort of hurting
tools will be thrown in thats why i am in the limit of not doing such stuff..
Its personal and not publicity. I rather enjoy than get bullshit review. Ok so
much of fun and here is a true story. Just last night i was looking across the
road and this neighbour grows all sorts of vegatation just out side of their
house. It is ment for purely decoration i believe. Any way i believe its just
some time pass for the grandma of the house. I mean she is old and i believe
in her young she was in agriculture and this was her only mean of pass time.
The family is rich and its a good kind of hobby to fill her days. So as you
know there is like 3 papaya tree and all of them bearing fruits and its was
almost or beginning to ripe. So here my mind fickring what to do decided it
wants my tummy with fresh fruits. So without any thought my legs walks to
the tree and shakes the trunk. Water droplets falls like as though it was
raining. Previously it had rained and water was collected on the leaves of the
papaya thats why when i shaked the trunk water dropped. The first shake was
not strong enough and i had to do it again and 2 dropped just beside me. And i
just picked it up and went back to my place like as though it was mine. Well
i did not care and i washed it and peeled of the skin. It was ripe and not 100%.
It was crunchy and i and Joe enjoyed the freshness just previously from the
tree. So it was a daring experience at this age. Well i dont know what i was
doing but i sure did enjoy the fruit. Any way behind the house there is a
banana tree and its just beared fruits. I am thinking of letting it grow a bit in
size and store it in so that it ripens up. Its kind of disappointing cause i
thought the size was bigger but to my dismay its size is small and nevermind
as long there is banana edible its worth it. I just hope it will be ready by some
time soon. Well i guess thats it for today and next time..
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
to be proud or celebration of. Any way how times flies and how life has come to this
situatuion. By the way 21th will be the day what i had started off with.. Anyway its
kind of feeling good. mayybe its more of a better days to come or not but the key
word will be 'optimistic' and looking forward to it. Ok enough of this and i been reading
some books which is good or maybe not. It depends when the time comes for its
particapation, before that i need something which is, lets call it 'ignation'. Time has gone
and new times coming and sounds very awkard or nevermind.
So lets me be the one to say ok 'Lets start anew form tomorrow'.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Well as i said it was great but something just made my day a less not so.. Any way what
can i say.. wanted to say something but i think i better not and i think i should keep it to
myself and maybe its for the best of me.. And let me write nuisance if i can think of
something that my brain might come out of.. Ok i am thinking and looking at the admin
side to check if the case is clear.. seems ok but still i might not have such previlage in the
coming days. Nontheless i dont think i need to care so much of such things..cause i think
i have other better things to concentrate.. Well i guess i will be writing less from now on
and i will try to write even though i dont have much space.. Ok any way chow for now.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
turning just about. It was a vivid memory of a look coming from
across the street. The very familiar face once i knew but my brain was
not working out who this person was. I tried to recall upteem times but
i just could not get what i wanted. My brain was dead and i was trying to
scan back every detail out of my past. I realised that it was no use any
longer as it just could not come and...
Well above is something i wanted to write but i could not carry on as i
am lost of idea and sentance. I think i need to improve more on my writing
in the near future.
Ok Saturday the 18th July 2009.. A bright morning and infact very
beautiful minus the haze. So what better way to have a bread and coffee
before my day starts. So life seems so very.. I dont know cause it no use
planning when you are not under your roof especially like me in LUAR
NEGARA(Foreigner). Ok its like this for me for the last 23years of my
life. So i am not settlled yet at a fixed place and i think it will not be my
last either.. May b once i go back i might search other area too. Cause
my country of origin has nothing to offer but many thing we individuals
have to contribute. It sad but true and i want to contribute maybe once
i am more stable. If not its ok.. at least we have the thought.
So as you know august coming soon and i been thinking lately of
returning for good. But the futures uncertainty cause the economy still
not too fixed up. Can have some hic-ups as whats goes down needs
time to come up and there might be obsticles along the way and due to
gravitional force it might plunge back. Never know, it all depands on the
stock player and the world. As you know North Korea their ass kind of
itchy and keep farting german gases and Terhan or Iran back to Moulsive
or Ahmadejin. And there are the disaster of plane crashing one after the
other. First the Air France crash on 1 June 2009 than Yemani crash
on and now Iranian Airways so it can be coincendital.. Its like a chain
reaction of some kind of ill fated fate. Well i am not too sure but my
condolance to all the dead and to their family and friends. Well we still
have to live and speaking of live my nature call is asking me to release.
But once i release this PC than i dont think i will be able to get it back.
I will try to hold on for some time just to surf a while longer..
Mondays coming and i am geared up for something and thinking of
a roller coaster journey if my fate comes along. Never know whats
written till i find out myself when the time comes and of course i
have to put in effort if not how will the ride comes about.
So this week end might be weeding or just passing and i really hate
to waste time. So hope my ends are worh of justification of how it
will be spent. Later at least one part of my right or left brain will say
ya i did that.
So i just edited my profile in facebook cause i am getting irriteated of
it. Cause its like a i dont know but i think i have other better things to
do than surf such things. So my bladder saying faster and i want to
hold on longer cause i have not finished yet..
Now finally i have finished what i was here for ok next time i will
write more..
Thursday, July 16, 2009
wants to type.. Its just blows my mind away and i am just writing what my
minds comes about. I think its unique or more nuiscance to do but the best
part is at least there are more pages or sentances for me to refer in the
coming times of passages. Even some of the things i have written previously,
i dont seems to understand mysely. I mean what i had wrote and i dont
understand what i have written. Well thats me.. maybe i did not check back
what i have written.. Cause i am really not so into checking.. you may call it
lazy or anything thats comes to mind.Any way most of the things that i have
typed are not the most 100% understandable and i can assuse readers like
me getting lost and frustrated. Actually i dont care cause this web page is
ment for me and only me. Lets forget this bullshit that i have written and
go on to.. 1031am 17July 2009 Friday. And like i previously written, its
mostly hazy in south east asia due to forest fire in Indonesia and Malaysia.
The country wants to clear lands to do some kind of shitty business and
to save a single cent they burn the forest blaming the heat to illegal
burners.. This fucking basterds are only after money.No standard practice.
But think again maybe they have no choice cause the big fish are the real
culprits and by the time it reaches the contractors he would have no choice
but to fire the place. This is called corruption. Frankly speaking corruption
is everywhere especially in asia. Especially developing nations. This are
the country where vast industralisation, economy are taking place.
And to get richer the rich are taking every opportunity in the corruptial way
to get rich. Cause like they say there will never comes a second chance and
since the countrys vast, the saying goes. If he/she did not get caught so would
i. And this lead to more greed and in the end a very corruptial nation. Well
money is the cause but it is true the population are too vast that greed is the
answer. So 90% has to stop dreaming of becoming rich. Any way i my self
dont know what i am writing. Well weekends round the corner and currently
i am reading Millionare secret(Frankly the titles i am not too sure). This is
another good book which i have alread read 1/4 and i find its a good
book. It not about how to win money, but a true story of JJ who wins 10million
pound(wow all that money). Well he gets all kind of trouble and how he nearly
got into a lot of trouble. Any way it tells of how he acted as sugar daddy to get
love. But non lasted and how he used a lying method to find true love.Any have
not finished the book but i can tell it a bit hilarious and very true story. Any way
i want to win like him too to get start my life. If not i accept a humble life. Ok
back to my life week end and i dont know where to go. May be the times
square to relax. I think its best thats way. I have not told you that they have a
first indoor theme park in Malaysia. It has rollercoaster and all kind of thems
coaster or what they are called exactly. Although i have not tried, i am
sure i will not try those super speed. May be the tortise speed i might try.
Cause i remember exactly in Singapore inside Haw Par Villa where there was
a boat ride and it was floating slope down 45degree at its own speed or
gravitional force plus the weight of us and you can imagine the high velocity..
twice it had to float slope down45degree and i was already in the first ride i
could not take it.. I mean i am not a coward or what ever its called, but speed
i just could not take it the sheer shock. may be it phobia.. i dont know but i
accept who i am and i cant take speed shock.. so back to times square it really
a nice place to be.. and the place is like 9 story of shopping
malls. There are i think more than 500 different shops to look around.. from
A-Z you can can find anything you are looking for( i mean middle class) Guys
this is a shopping mall not a rag and bone shop.
I have been thinking lately how should i take things cause 2 or less month is left
before i go back its been a hell and heaven experience for me in this place. Its
so different and i can tell i have never experience this kind of life iin my entire life.
It has opened my eyes bigger and also made it smaller. But more wiser or
foolisher. I dont know only time will tell as i move along. Dont know lets see how
it goes by.Well tonight i am going to have tapioca cause i just pulled the fruit from
the ground and its kind of big but i managed to only extract one roots.May be i
will go earlier and pull more if i can..which means the more the merrier..any way
its getting cold and i am just trying to write more.. i think i better not cause my
brains not working..Any way the times 1129am
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
of dark outside cause raining.. As far as i heard that its monsoon season
in Nepal and maybe the climate is blowing south.. I dont know exactly
but if i can i can check it in CNN weather forecast.. But to do that i have
to find cable network.. May be i should forget about it.. Any way its
natural to rain and shine.. Its makes the weather more finer compared to
sunny too much. Well i just finished reading a book titled RUNAWAY..
Its a good book telling a story of a girl how she actually faced the world
with her being abused and how she longed to get love from parents and
how she saw the life as a whole.. I actually love reading it.. I mean in my
life, i mean my whole life i have never read more than 5 novel.. But the
more important thing is that i finished it within a week.. I mean it took me
more than a month to finish a book in the past.. So you see the difference..
Any way i have targeted another book.. yet to start reading.. think its a
good book. The times 1127hrs and 15 July 2009 Wednesday.. Like
i said earlier its raining or drizzling.. so as usual i am going for a smoke
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Well what have we here.. some of the old games we used to play..
I mean it was very popular in our time or back in the days..
Brings back old memory..
Bee-Bee.. this was the snacks we used to fill our tummy
back then.. as it was kind of popular.. i think..
ya it is.. memory slowly comong
Sunday, June 28, 2009
The entire contingent is housed in Mount Vernon Camp, which is their one-stop location for work as well as personal life. While most new recruits come to Singapore alone since they are usually in their late teens or early twenties, they are allowed to bring along their wives and immediate family members to Singapore as they move on into the next phases of their personal lives.
Ultimately, the officers know they are here only on a temporary basis, further enforced by the fact that they are disallowed from integrating too much with local society. Due to their chief purpose as a neutral presence here, they are not allowed to marry Singaporean women, hence the allowance to bring their wives and children from Nepal to the camp. At the end of their contract, they are expected to return to their villages and back to a rural life dependent on agriculture. Only a handful have ever been known to have broken this tradition and chosen to stay in the city-state.
The camp itself is built on a relatively secluded area in Mount Vernon, taking over facilities previously occupied by the reserve units. Comprehensive facilities to create a self-contained township-like complex allows most daily chores and needs to be fulfilled within the camp without too much interaction with the outside world. This also helps to reduce the amount of traffic into and out of the camp for security reasons.
Still, dwellers in the complex are not prohibited from leaving the camp or utilising services and facilities outside it. Throngs of school-going Nepalese children regularly leave and enter the camp everyday, wearing the uniforms of national schools. The camp's close proximity to Bartley Secondary School has seen a significant number of Nepalese children being enrolled there, although they can also be found in schools much further away as the children become gradually assimilated into Singaporean society and culture. They cannot sink their roots deeply, however, as most of them are in the country on dependent passes, and are compelled to leave Singapore when they turn 21.
Still most of these young Nepalese are unlikely to follow their fathers' footsteps, and armed with education certificates, are expected to lead quite a different life compared to previous generations should they return to Nepal. They also have the liberty to apply for employment passes to work in Singapore, as is the case for any other foreigner seeking employment in the country, and it is possible to obtain permanent residence and even citizenship, although these young Nepalese receive no special treatment in obtaining permanent status.
The surrounding commercial outlets thrive on business brought about by the Nepalese community based here, and it is a common sight to see officers doing their daily recreational runs around the major roads close to the camp, albeit always in civilian running attire and running alone or in small groups to avoid drawing too much attention to themselves.
The Gurkha community has been known to extend aid to their fellow Nepalese in Singapore, such as during the operation to separate the conjoined twins Ganga and Jamuna at the Singapore General Hospital in November 2001, where they helped to raise funds for the medical procedure and daily expenses, accommodated the family at their Mount Vernon home for a period of time, and assisting in making logistical arrangements for the family's transportation and other needs.[7]
Back in Nepal, the Gurkha Welfare Trust seeks to preserve the legacy and heritage of the Gurkhas with the opening of Gurkha Memorial Museum in the premises of Hotel Nature Land at Pardi, Pokhara. There, uniforms and badges of the GC are on display together with those serving with the British Army [7]. Locals and tourists alike have visited the place, a reflection of the high regard local Nepalese hold for their counterparts who have served in these overseas organisations.
Despite their temporary employment basis, it is considered highly honourable to serve as a GC member back in Nepal, and there is always a ready pool of young men eager to join the contingent, with well over 20,000 applications seeking to join the British Army or the GC annually for just 370 places. The good income, way of life, and the affordable and excellent education for their children (or future children) are further draws. With the increasing concerns against terrorism and the continued security threat Singapore face, it is likely the GC will have an increased and sustained role in Singapore's future, despite original intentions of the contingent itself as a temporary security measure during Singapore's early turbulent years.
Mount Vernon Camp, also known as the Gurkha Cantonment, is an establishment of the Singapore Police Force built to house the training and residential facilities of the Gurkha Contingent's Gurkhas and their families. Located at Mount Vernon near to the secludedness of the Bidadari Cemetery, it has undergone expansion on the hilly terrain, particularly with the introduction of modern, high quality high-rise housing blocks for the over 2,000 officers and their families-in-tow.
The road leading into the camp is named Kathmandu Road after the capital city of Nepal. Built as a self-contained complex due to security concerns to minimise movements into and out of the complex, it has its own shops, schools and even playgrounds for the younger children, which contingent commander Bruce M. Niven equates to being a township all on its own.
Dwellers in the complex are not prohibited from leaving the camp or utilising services and facilities outside it. Throngs of school-going Nepalese children regularly leave and enter the camp everyday, wearing the uniforms of national schools. The camp's close proximity to Bartley Secondary School has seen a significant number of Nepalese children being enrolled there, although they can also be found in schools much further away as the children become gradually assimilated into Singaporean society and culture. The surrounding commercial outlets thrive on business brought about by the Nepalese community based here, and it is a common sight to see officers doing their daily recreational runs around the major roads close to the camp.
Phase 2B of the complex expansion commenced in 2001 costing S$42.2 million and added 93,568 m2 of largely residential space. Designed by PWD Consultants and built by the China Construction (South Pacific) Development Co, it was completed by 2003 [1]. The complex continues to undergo physical upgrading works today, with the government setting aside another S$47.8 million for the expansion works being carried out from 2004 into 2006 [2].
About 2,000 Gurkhas contribute to the Singapore government. After 6 years of service they are allowed to bring their wife and children to Singapore until the end of their service. However their children are not allowed to stay after reaching twenty-one years of age. If this rule is not met, they can be arrested by the immigration authorities. The children are only allowed to study in Singapore. The children along with their wives are also not allowed to seek any kind of employment
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
thoughts that was in my mind its all gone and i am
kind of lazy what to write except to waste time..
Well let me make up some story so to fill the gap
of my time.. Well actually i got a Gap jeans which is
very unique so far what i have worne till now. so what
so special is that its more loose than compared to Levis.
I always felt Levis was ment for me.. but some how it was
always too tight even when i wore loose fitting.. than i
found Gap.. It was totally out of this world.. it felt very
comfort and its button,, not jeep.. any i been trying to
find another pair but i dont seem to find it.. and my
current ones almost worne out.. looks like i have to
use other brands.. just to hide my lower body.. Well
other than my jeans.. i have 2 t-shirt which i bought
in Nepal costing Rs500 each. The brands Tommy
Hilfier.. but its China made and the quality really sucks
and i dont have the heart to throw it away cause my
1st sis accompanied me to buy it some where at New
Road in Nepal.. So even its bad quality, i still cherish
the moment with my sis. Well i used to miss too many
things.. but as time goes by i realise i was not missing
instead i was simply not thinking.. The brain is so
very stuipid that its goes round and roumd making
ones confused.. and i have to learned to look beyond
the circle of trap.. i realise time will only be the factor
thats going to heal and to hail our life.. Oh todays 26th
June and how time flies. Cant believe i am in such mess.
Dont know if i would be able to solve but it does not
matter cause at least i have tried or thought of it.. no
regret or what so ever. Only time will tell the out come
than again head will spin cause thats part of life. And i
been thinking lately to be able to do somethiong about
the crises in Nepal.. But than again thats a differnt story
maybe i will share it in the future even if i cant do it..
Well back to Malaysia.. i with Goa(actual name Surya
Limbu) went to meet some guys in Jalan Imbi on the 23th
June to collect some document. There were like 6 guys all
older than me. Called them Dai and like all Nepali tradition
had wiksy and lunch with them. And of course to spend
time in Malaysia the only other pass time was to play
Marriage.. Its a game card thats contain 3 deck of 52 cards.
And 21 cards are distributed to each player.. Minimun 3
players and maximum 5. Its kind of a good way to pass
time.. Any way we left and on 24th i got a messae that
one of the guys again invited. not sure why.. i just went
along and found that he wanted to teach him basic in
computer.. He had just bought a new Lap top and he wanted
to learn. well i did not hesitate and taught him the basic.
After which i left around 10 plus in the morning.. The
lap top was sure nice thing to use.. It had Wifi plus
bluetooth.. Although the HD was less.. Any way its good
to owe a lap top.. It kinds of remind i used to owe a few
back than. One of the first was a AST computer back than
may be around 1995.. Its was a windows 3.1 operating
system.. Although i did not really made use of it that much
i learned some basic.. Than came along HP later on with
windows 95 and Windows XP than the Acer Laptop..
Well it was sure good to owe such brains but now it
does not matter and at least i am planning to owe one soon.
Now the times almost 1107am in the morning and i am
feeling a bit colder due to the aircon.. I really want to do
is to go up and raed the paper.. rather than surf cause its
so easy to surf but reality is true.. Web site just so easily
steal information from the papers where Journalist pay
so much effort to cover the story and web just in a few
clicks steals and it int he web.. Its like u cook your lunch
and your room mates finishes it.. Well the computer
wireless died and most of the things i wrote was not
saved.. so with this.. is all that i can post.. now
almost 1700hrs.. ok
Saturday, June 20, 2009
18 June 2009 around 1630hrs plus, as usual i had boarded U41 bus
from Sugnai Long to come to my work. It was almost empty as usual.
I took my seat at the usual spot at the handicap seat. (As for the interior
seat arrangement, from the enterance of the bus to the exit the passanger
seat is facing each other at the side. From the exit to the back end the
seat is faced front.) The one reason why i take this seat is because the
air-con is cooler at this particular spot, i dont really know the reason
but i observed it. And at the back, it gets hotter cause of the engin and
i dont think the bus is serviced on time. By mid way through the journey
the bus at the back will be like SONA room due to the packed passenger
and its in the late afternoon. And the bus will be so packed that movement
is little among the passenger and more will board even if its packed cause
the waiting for the next bus takes almost half hour or one.. never knows.
Some times i wonder what if there was a causalty.. this scares me.. And
from my previous experience, i gave up my seat to an elderly passenger
and instead my wallet was pick-pocketed. 2 weeks later my phone
followed as well. I never thought i would face such situation. But it was
very frustration.
Well back to my story, as i sat down i cooled myself using my t-shirt
which i was wearing. By doing so i scanned the bus and there was like
less than 10 passenger. I noticed one particular passenger who was seating
at the front seat after the exit door and i was seated at the last from the
entrance. To look at her i had to slightly turn my head and for her she just
need to turn her eye ball.. Actually from her position and mine it was in a
45* angle. She was eating some fried kuay and i observed her. She had a
sweet face, not so pretty and pretty as well.(i mean everyone of us has a
defination of beauty.. thats why they say beauty lies in the eye of the
beholder.) I maen she looked nice. She was wearing a pink t-shirt ithink..
jeans and pink shoe.. nice combination..Hair was shoulder length and neat.
Her eyes not to big not to small, just perfect. I guess her eyes was the
sweetest of all. Pinkish lips, i could tell she was not wearing
makeup like some other girls.. I mean i have no offence but i prefer natural.
From my observation she might be below 25 and above 16years. Normal
figure and fair skin. She had a bag on her lap and some plastic bags of goods
on the floor. As she ate i stole a glimpse of her. Later on she must have
realised and she looked back. I mean not really turn and directly look but
instead she just turned her eye ball. And every now and than i glimpsed
her and she did it back.. Think it was pure innocence.. I kept wanting
to look at her so i stole glimpse after glimpse and so did she. Finally the
bus moved and i tried to take my concentration away from her by looking
in the front or watching the mobile T.V. But i could not and kept stealing.
After some time as i was almost forgetting her, when the bus was filled with
fresh smell of burger. I mean the mayonese aroma was so strong that i turn
back to see who was having the burger. I can say i got hungry too. There
was this 2 girls who were sitting just behind her. I took this opportunity
and looked at them unrap the burger and they ate. In between i stole her
glimpse. It felt wonderful, but she did turn her eye ball for sure. As the
bus was moving i had lots of thoughts going on in my mind like i am a
foreigner and i dont even have one'C' not mentioning 5'C'. With this thought
i thought of my problems and tried to concentrate in other things. But i could
not and i kept stealing glimpse and so did she. At one point, think a Bangla
boarded the bus and he sat directly opposite me. He was neatly dressed
except that one of the button of his shirt was missing and his belly could
be seen as it was a tight fitting. This caused me to laugh, i mean it was a
funny incident. I tried to hide my emotion from him and the back. By now
the bus was getting packed as new passenger boarded from new spots. Her
view was disappearing and i had to look down the passenger legs apart to
see if she was still there. Sometimes when the passenger jerked i got to see
her for a short while. I waited for this and saw her. The train station was
approaching, i was thinking she might alight. I was thinking i might as well
alight and start a conversation. I will pretend to be a HIP and get her
information. But she did not alight. And so begain, i waited for the bus to
jerk and this caused the passenger to jerk and i got to see her view for a while.
This went on and on until i gave up my seat before my destination. I wanted
to look at her. My destination arrived and i half-heartedly moved to the exit.
I looked at her and she was looking at me too.. Those eyes, as i alighted kept
me thinking. I tried to walk a bit fast so as to overpass the bus to get to see
her. But the bus surplus me. I ran across the road desperately but the bus
was gone. And she was gone too. As i walked, i knew i would never see her
again. When i close my eyes, her image appears and especially her eyes. And
i for sure as time passes by her image will disappear from my mind and life
will be normal again. I wish i had done something about it, but i was just too
scared of the outcome and i did not have the confidence. Than again i wish
her the best of life thats comes along her. I also hope i could see her again
but what are the chances. Any way it made my stay here a special one to
remember although the rest was not a good one. This experience just took
my breath away and i just dont know when and how it comes by. It was so
suddenly. Describing it is so difficult thats why i am writing this in the
memory of you..SPECIAL ONE
Well i just took 2 cigreat and my credit is rm4.5 and am puffing and walking
towards my.......
decide ourselves cause there are others who are more precious to
us. Some times we have to think for others to carry on the
journey of within. Happiness can be compromised, but some
choose their destiny. This are the strong ones who needs our
affection. I wish i was one of them but i have to think for others
too. This is what lack me. I cant blame nor complain but to
accept it with embrace like an adult. Not every ones life a fairy
tale and we have to accept it like whats been happenning from
the past till the present. All we have to do is to accept our fate
and create a new generation to carry on. Love is something we
experience in our lifetime.. maybe once or multiple.. But love
alone cant move us forward. But living each and every day that
makes us better than the great Romeo & Juliet or other iconic
figure. They are just a lesson for us. But those who live till their
times are the ones that gives a good example of mankind. What i
can say is that we human are strange that evolves in this world
and always trying to find new meaning in our life. With this i
would like to say 'live your life and cherish it in whatever
possible way weather you are up or down and never feel you
are alone. This same experience is faced by everyone in their life
With this let live... 2015hrs March 15 2009..
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
with Keshav in Australia.. Its kind of cool chatting with him..
Well after that i am thinking of reading the paper.. cause thats my
favourite pass time.. Any way i think i need to rest as well
kind of sleepy and my back hurts cause it was strained 2 days
ago.. dont know how long more to recovery till than i have
endure the pain..
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Its kind of no time and no money thats causing this lacking..
But i am still taking the effort to update.. More than if i had
the finance,, may be i would not have even created this site..
May be sometimes its good that we dont get.. i mean only
sometimes.. many times we neeed it.. So we have too
much complain.. may be its meant to be this way.. and
lets not forget certain things.. ok thats it for now..
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Geography of Nepal is uncommonly diverse. Nepal is of roughly trapezoidal shape, 800 kilometres (500 mi) long and 200 kilometres (125 mi) wide, with an area of 147,181 square kilometres (56,827 sq mi). See List of territories by size for the comparative size of Nepal.
Nepal is commonly divided into three physiographic areas: the Mountain, Hill, Siwalik region and Terai Regions. These ecological belts run east-west and are vertically intersected by Nepal's major, north to south flowing river systems.
The southern lowland Plains bordering India are part of the northern rim of the Indo-Gangetic plains. They were formed and are fed by three major rivers: the Kosi, the Narayani, and the Karnali. This region has a hot, humid climate.
The Hill Region (Pahad) abuts the mountains and varies from 1,000 to 4,000 metres (3,300–13,125 ft) in altitude. Two low mountain ranges, the Mahabharat Lekh and Shiwalik Range (also called the Churia Range) dominate the region. The hilly belt includes the Kathmandu Valley, the country's most fertile and urbanised area. Unlike the valleys called Inner Tarai (Bhitri Tarai Uptyaka), elevations above 2,500 metres (8,200 ft) are sparsely populated.
Mount Everest
The Mountain Region, situated in the Great Himalayan Range, makes up the northern part of Nepal. It contains the regions of highest altitude in the world; the world's highest mountain, 8,850 metres (29,035 ft) height Mount Everest (Sagarmatha in Nepali) is located here on the border with Tibet. Seven other of the world's ten highest mountains are located in Nepal: Lhotse, Makalu, Cho Oyu, Kanchenjunga, Dhaulagiri, Annapurna and Manaslu.
The arid and barren Himalayan landscape.
Nepal has five climatic zones, broadly corresponding to the altitudes. The tropical and subtropical zones lie below 1,200 metres (3,940 ft), the temperate zone 1,200 to 2,400 metres (3,900–7,875 ft), the cold zone 2,400 to 3,600 metres (7,875–11,800 ft), the subarctic zone 3,600 to 4,400 metres (11,800–14,400 ft), and the Arctic zone above 4,400 metres (14,400 ft).
Nepal experiences five seasons: summer, monsoon, autumn, winter and spring. The Himalaya blocks cold winds from Central Asia in the winter and forms the northern limit of the monsoon wind patterns. In a land once thickly forested, deforestation is a major problem in all regions, with resulting erosion and degradation of ecosystems.
Nepal is popular for mountaineering, containing some of the highest and most challenging mountains in the world, including Mount Everest. Technically, the south-east ridge on the Nepali side of the mountain is easier to climb; so, most climbers prefer to trek to Everest through Nepal.
Until the Sugauli Sandhi (treaty) was signed, the territory of Nepal also included Darjeeling, and Tista to the east, Nainital to the south-west and Kumaun, Garwal and Bashahar to the west. However, today these areas are a part of India. As a result, Nepal shares no boundary with Bangladesh now and the two countries are separated by a narrow strip of land about 21 kilometres (13 mi) wide, called the Siliguri Corridor or Chicken's Neck. A huge majority of Nepalese still live there (almost 2 million). Efforts are underway to make this area a free-trade zone.[28] The border dispute between India and Nepal has often been a cause of tension between the two countries.
Kathmandu Valley
Neolithic tools found in the Kathmandu Valley indicate that people have been living in the Himalayan region for at least 9,000 years. It appears that Kirant ethnicity people were the first people to settle in
The Kirant follow Kirant Mundhum. Their holy book is the Mundhum also known as the Kirant Veda.[6] Kirant Rai people worship Nature and ancestors, Animism and Shamanism, believing in a their primeval ancestors, SumnimaParuhang. Some names for festivals they celebrate include Sakela, Sakle, Toshi, Sakewa, Saleladi Bhunmidev, Chyabrung, Yokwa and Folsyandar. They have two main festivals: Sakela/Sakewa Uvauli, during plantation season; and Sakela/Sakewa Udhauli, in the time of the harvest.
Kirant Limbu people believe in Supreme God Tagera Ningwaphuma, who is also known as the supreme knowledge .[7] Ancestor Yuma Sammang and God of War Theba Sammang are second most important deities.
Many of the Kirant that were outside of Hinduism did convert by the ruling elites of later days Nepal[8]
There is a giant Linga of the Kirant at Kirantaeshvara. It possibly had a Kirant name but all such evidence was destroyed by the next rulers of Nepal[9]
There is a tradition amongst the Kirant Limbus there the reclining Vishnu found at Budhanilakantha is the ancestor of the Limbus. Many of them don't know because Brahmin or Chetri people who live in Kathmandu won't let them to pray budhanilkantha. There are mainly three Budhanilkantha and no one knows which one is original. [10]
[edit] Mentioned as Kiratas in Mahabharat epic
Main article: Kirata Kingdom
The Kiratas (Sanskrit: किरात) mentioned in early Hindu texts are the tribals of the forest and mountains. They are mentioned along with Cinas (Chinese). Kirati languages belong to Tibeto-Burman family of Languages . Kiratas have been identified as the present day Rai, Limbu and Sunuwar of Nepal.
King Yalamba Haang- First Kirata King
In Yoga Vasistha 1.15.5 Rama speaks of "kirAteneva vAgurA", "a trap [laid] by Kiratas", so about BCE Xth Century, they were thought of as jungle trappers, the ones who dug pits to capture roving deer. The same text also speaks of King Suraghu, the head of the Kiratas who is a friend of the Persian King, Parigha.
Hindu myth has many incidents where their God Shiva has imitated a Kirat person. [11]
History of Kirats describes some of the achievements of Kirata people in eastern Nepal
Historians today are convinced that a widespread cultural conflict took place in the eastern Himalayan region between the indigenous inhabitants – called the Kirat – and the Tibetan migrant population, reaching a climax during the 18th and 19th centuries. Another wave of political and cultural conflict, between Gorkhali and Kirat ideals, surfaced in the Kirat region of present-day Nepal during the last quarter of the 18th century. A collection of manuscripts from the 18th and 19th centuries, till now unpublished and unstudied by historians, have made possible a new understanding of this conflict. These historical sources are among those collected by Brian Houghton Hodgson – a British diplomat and self-trained Orientalist appointed to the Kathmandu court during the second quarter of the 19th century – and his principal research aide, the Newar scholar Khardar Jitmohan.
The Map of Limbuwan.
For over two millennia, a large portion of the eastern Himalaya has been identified as the home of the Kirat people, of which the majority are known today as Rai, Limbu, Yakha and Lepcha. In ancient times, the entire Himalayan region was known as the kimpurusha desha, a phrase derived from a Sanskrit term used to identify people of Kirat origin. These people were also known as nep, to which the name nepala is believed to have an etymological link. The earliest references to the Kirat as principal inhabitants of the Himalayan region are found in the texts of Atharvashirsha and Mahabharata, believed to date to before the 9th century BC. For over a millennium, the Kirat had also inhabited the Kathmandu Valley, where they installed their own ruling dynasty. This Kirat population in the valley, along with original Australoids and Austro-Asiatic speakers form the base for later Newar population. As time passed, however, those Kirat, now known as the Limbu settled mostly in the Koshi region of present-day eastern Nepal and Sikkim.
From around the 8th century, areas on the northern frontier of the Kirat region began to fall under the domination of migrant people of Tibetan origin. This flux of migration brought about the domination by Tibetan religious and cultural practices over ancient Kirat traditions. This influence first imposed shamanistic Bön practices, which in turn were later replaced by the oldest form of Tibetan Buddhism. The early influx of Bön culture to the peripheral Himalayan regions occurred only after the advent of the Nyingma, the oldest Buddhist order in Lhasa and Central Tibet, which led followers of the older religion to flee to the Kirat areas for survival. The Tibetan cultural influx ultimately laid the foundation for a Tibetan politico-religious order in the Kirat regions, and this led to the emergence of two major Tibetan Buddhist dynasties: in Sikkim and Bhutan. The early political order of the Kingdom of Bhutan had been established under the political and spiritual leadership of the lama Zhabs-drung Ngawang Namgyal. Consequently, Bhutan used to be known in the Himalayan region as the ‘kingdom of [Buddhist] spiritual rule’ (in old Nepali, dharmaako desh). The Tibetan rulers of Sikkim were also known as Chögyal, or spiritual rulers.
Both of these kingdoms adopted policies of suppression of indigenous practices, replacing them with those of Tibetan Buddhism. Bhutan's religious rulers established a tradition of appointing religious missions to other Himalayan kingdoms and areas, through which they were able to establish extensive influence in the region. Bhutan's ambitious missions were sent as far west as Ladakh. Even before the founding of modern Nepal by Prithvi Narayan Shah of Gorkha in 1769, Bhutan's rulers were able to establish spiritual centres in several parts of what was to become the former's territories, including Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, Gorkha and Vijayapur in the midhills, and Mustang, north of the central Himalayan range.
Sikkim had long been home to Lepcha Kirat people and culture. Under the guidance of Tibetan Buddhist lamas, however, their self-rule and cultural independence was suddenly taken away. Sikkim kings were even able to subdue the entire far-eastern part of the Kirat region – historically known as Limbuwan – for at least a short period of time. Here, the new rulers adopted policies of religious and cultural subjugation, encouraging Sikkim lamas to travel to places of strategic importance in order to establish monastic centres. But the indigenous population did not easily surrender themselves to this cultural invasion. Limbu and Lepcha manuscripts collected by Brian Houghton Hodgson in Darjeeling indicate significant resistance by the Kirat against Tibetan Buddhist rule and cultural domination. While much of this struggle consisted of attempts to strengthen cultural awareness, there were also violent engagements between Kirat communities and their new rulers.
The Rai, also known as the Khambu(people of Khumbu region). They are one of Nepal's most ancient indigenous ethnolinguistic groups. The Rai(Khambu) belong to the Kirati group or the Kirat confederation that includes the Limbu, the Sunuwar, Yakkha Dhimal, Koche, Meche,Hayu ethnic groups.
According to Professor Dor Bahadur Bista(anthropologist,Tribhuvan University) and late Professor Suniti Kumar Chatterji(linguist and Kiratologist,Calcutta university)Kirats migrated from east via north Burma and Assam along the mid-hills(lower mountains) along with their pigs in ancient times.(ref.30,31).
According to Prof. Suniti Kumar Chatterji(linguist and kiratologist) and other prominent linguists,Rai,Limbu,and Dhimal languages are Pronominalised(Austric/Kol influence)strongly indicating earliest migratory wave of these peoples compared to other Tibeto-Burmans whose languages are non-pronominalised.(ref.31)
The traditional homeland of the Rai(Khambu) extends across Solukhumbu,Okhaldhunga (Wallo Kirat or Near Kirat), home of the Bahing,Wambule subgroups), Khotang, Bhojpur and the Udayapur districts (Majh Kirat or Central Kirat),home of Bantawa,Chamling etc. in the northeastern hilly/mountainous region of Nepal, west of the Arun River in the Sun Koshi River watershed. Rais are also found in significant numbers in the Indian state of Sikkim and in the northern West Bengal towns of Kalimpong and Darjeeling.
According to Nepal's 2001 census, there are 635,751 Rai(Khambu) in Nepal which represents 2.79% of the total population. Of this number, 70.89% declared themseleves as practising the traditional (Kiranti/Kirant) religion and 25.00% declared themselves as Hindu. Yakkha were measured as a separate ethnic group of which 81.43% were Kirant and 14.17% were Hindu. The Rai are divided into many different sub-groups - Bantawa, Chamling, Sampang, Dumi, Jerung, Kulung, Khaling, Lohorung, Mewahang, Rakhali, Thulung,Tamla, Tilung, Wambule, Yakkha, Yamphu, Sunuwar, Jero (Jerung) , etc. Some groups number only a few hundred members. The languages together with the traditional religion of the Rai is known as Kirant.
More than 32 different Kiranti languages and dialects are recognized within the Tibeto-Burman languages family.Their languages are Pronominalised Tibeto-Burman languages,indicating their antiquity. The oral language is rich and ancient, as is Kiranti history, but the written script remains yet to be properly organised as nearly all traces of it was destroyed by the next rulers of Nepal, The Lichhavis and almost eradicated by the Shah dynasty.
The traditional Kiranti religion, predating Hinduism and Buddhism, is based on ancestor-worship and the placation of ancestor spirits through elaborate rituals governed by rules called Mundhum. Sumnima-Paruhang are worshipped as primordial parents. A major Rai holiday is the harvest festival, Nwogi, when fresh harvested foods are shared by all. The Bijuwa and Nakchhung (Dhami) or Priest plays an important role in Rai communities.
They do not truly belong to the Caste system or Varna system although few have accepted the kshatriya status.Majority of Rai have never accepted Casteism and never adopeted a Caste(Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities and Nepal government have recognised this fact)(29)
Because of the fiercely independent nature of the Rai community and its location at the eastern end of the consolidated Nepalese nation-state, the Rai were given exceptional rights of Kipat autonomy and land ownership in their homeland of Majh (middle) Kirant.
Subsistence agriculture of rice, millet, wheat, corn and even cotton is the main occupation of the Rai although many Rai have been recruited into military service with the Nepali army and police, and the Indian and British Gurkha regiments and Singapore Police Force.
Rai women decorate themselves lavishly with silver and gold coin jewellery. Marriage unions are usually monogamous and arranged by parents, although "love marriage",bride capture(in the past) and elopement are alternative methods. Music (traditional drums and string instruments: yele, binayo, murchunga, dhol and jhyamta), dance (Sakela or Sakewa dance) and distilled spirits (alcohol) called aaraakha, ngashi, or waasim are central to Rai culture.
Sakela or Sakewa dance is the greatest religious festival of Kirant Rai.